The [`DO`][1] command has no facility to actually return data (except with `RAISE`, or you could write to a (temp) table .. ).

You need to [create a PL/pgSQL function][2] that can define a return type with `RETURNS` and call it. 

You could return the result with [`RETURN QUERY EXECUTE`][3]. But I suspect the whole operation can be simplified ...

###Rewrite as single SQL query

You probably don't need plpgsql or loops at all. Consider this plain SQL query instead:

    WITH v AS (
       SELECT '2011-02-13 11:55:11'::timestamp AS _from -- provide times once
             ,'2012-02-13 01:02:21'::timestamp AS _to
    , q AS (
       SELECT c.coordinates_id
            , date_trunc('hour', t.calltime) AS stamp
            , count(*) AS zcount
       FROM   v
       JOIN   mytable t ON  t.calltime BETWEEN v._from AND v._to
                       AND (t.calltime::time >= v._from::time OR
                            t.calltime::time <= v._to::time)
       JOIN   coordinates c ON (, t.lon) 
                       BETWEEN (c.bottomrightlat, c.topleftlon)
                           AND (c.topleftlat, c.bottomrightlon)
       GROUP  BY c.coordinates_id, date_trunc('hour', t.calltime)
    , cal AS (
       SELECT generate_series(GREATEST('2011-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp, v._from)
                            , LEAST('2012-04-01 05:00:00'::timestamp, v._to)
                            , '1 hour'::interval) AS stamp
       FROM v
    SELECT q.coordinates_id, cal.stamp, COALESCE (q.zcount, 0) AS zcount
    FROM   v, cal
    LEFT   JOIN q USING (stamp)
    WHERE (cal.stamp::time >= v._from::time OR
           cal.stamp::time <= v._to::time)
    ORDER  BY q.coordinates_id, stamp;

- Instead of looping through rows in table `coordinates`, join to the CTE and produce the whole result in one go.

- As you aggregate per row of `coordinates` we need the primary key of this table (or any other unique set of columns) I assume a pk named `coordinates_id`.

- I added the CTE `v` (for "values") on top to provide `_from` and `_to` timestamps once only.

- I use `_from` and `_to` to limit the time range of the calender right away, instead of adding `WHERE` clauses to trim the surplus in the final `SELECT`.

        GREATEST('2011-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp, v._from)
        LEAST('2012-04-01 05:00:00'::timestamp, v._to)

- I use "ad-hoc rows" like demonstrated [in this related answer by @kgrittn][4] for a much simpler `JOIN` condition:

             ON (, t.lon) 
        BETWEEN (c.bottomrightlat, c.topleftlon)
            AND (c.topleftlat, c.bottomrightlon)
- I cast to time (`::time`) instead of using `extract ('hour' ..)`, because it's simpler and faster.

I am not 100 % sure this is exactly what you are after, but it should be very close.
