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Writing queries to request or change information stored in a database or other information management system. Questions should include table and index definitions, sample data, expected output, and a tag for the specific system (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB).

18 votes

Combine column from multiple rows into single row

This is relatively trivial to do with a correlated subquery. You can't use the COALESCE method highlighted in the blog post you mention unless you extract that to a user-defined function (or unless yo …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
16 votes

Are these two queries logically equivalent?

In this case, I much prefer query 2, especially if LogDateTime is indexed (or might ever be). I don't like the shorthand date math and I recommend against it. …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
8 votes

Extract rows of a table, that include less than x NULLs

test123(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5); VALUES (2,3,NULL,1,2), (2,NULL,NULL,1,2), (2,3,NULL,NULL,2), (NULL,3,NULL,1,NULL), (2,3,NULL,1,2); To see why ISNULL isn't effective here, run this query
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
7 votes

Even after Disabling Read-Ahead and clearing buffer , why there is Logical Read?

If you don’t believe the commands you’re issuing clear the plan cache / buffer pool, you can check those things via DMVs right before issuing your query. …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
6 votes

Invalid column name even after checking if it exists so it should skip the query part

<query that references column_name> ...;'; END Also here is why I avoid shorthand metadata helpers like OBJECT_NAME(), SCHEMA_NAME(), etc., and instead recommend creating your own helper views. …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
6 votes

SQL To Fetch Partition Boundaries and Filegroups

This relationship isn't altogether intuitive but I think this query will get you what you need: SELECT PScheme =, PFunction =, Boundary = dds.destination_id, BoundaryValue …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
5 votes

when selecting from multiple tables I get a multiplication of the records

You should consider using the more modern INNER JOIN syntax. Using table1, table2, table3 often leads to cartesian product. It's still possible with table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON ... INNER JOIN table3 O …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
5 votes

Should Query Tuning be Proactive or Reactive?

individual and overall performance to known baselines and/or against the requirements (e.g. some reports run in the background or are otherwise automated, so performance - or rather speed - of every single query
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
4 votes

Identifying rows which don't match a master row

1, 1, '') + ' FROM dbo.table1_master ) SELECT m.LocationID FROM s INNER JOIN dbo.table1 AS m ON 1 = 1 ' + @c2; SELECT @sql; --EXEC sp_executesql @sql; You can take the output of this query … as is and store the query somewhere, or you can comment out the SELECT and uncomment the EXEC and leave it as permanent dynamic SQL - in this case it will automatically adapt to column changes in the …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
4 votes

Flat query to Column structure

SQL Server doesn't have dynamic or variable-based pivot, so one approach could be dynamic SQL. DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '20120101'; DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''; SELECT TOP (7) @sql += N' …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
4 votes

remove leading and trailing quotes

Given this data: CREATE TABLE #temp(col varchar(255)); INSERT #temp(col) SELECT 'foo' UNION ALL SELECT '"bar"' UNION ALL SELECT 'blat"' UNION ALL SELECT '"mort'; This query yields the same results …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
3 votes

Sql Server string concat with order by and subquery

String concatenation in that form combined with ORDER BY is undefined (and unstable and unreliable). I have seen the same symptom where you only get one result. If you want all the rows, drop the ORDE …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
3 votes

How can i make month appear with two digits SQL Server

DECLARE @t TABLE(InsertionDate datetime); INSERT @t(InsertionDate) VALUES(GETDATE()), ('20190125'); SELECT CONVERT(char(6), InsertionDate, 112) FROM @t; Result: 202004 201901
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
2 votes

Fastest Aggregate function when you have series of duplicate values

Given the current design, I don't know if there will be one approach that is noticeably more efficient than any other. You may be able to minimize the pain by creating an index on just OrderID and Pri …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
2 votes

Find a doubled value between two columns in the same row

Your WHERE clause can include basic math like this, e.g. WHERE GRIR.ReceivedQty = 2.0 * GRIR.OrderedQty; ...or... WHERE GRIR.OrderedQty = GRIR.ReceivedQty / 2.0; (And this db<>fiddle demonstrates wh …
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar

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