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All versions of PostgreSQL. Add an additional version-specific tag like [postgresql-13] if that context is relevant.

0 votes

How should we give privileges/permissions to group to access different db's

Here is one thing, there is no difference between regular PostgreSQL and RDS PostgreSQL when it comes to ROLES,GRANT, PRIVILEGES, and GRANT. …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
0 votes

Start PostgreSQL from different data directory on windows

You can stop the server and start with new data directory, go inside bin folder where Postgres is installed and run following command in command prompt: pg_ctl.exe stop -D "<path to current data>" pg …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
-1 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL server running very slow at minimal work load

Rows Removed by Filter: 94756" " Buffers: shared hit=4395726" "Planning time: 3.115 ms" "Execution time: 119559.941 ms" Server config: PostgreSQL
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
2 votes
0 answers

How to find the column value with the biggest storage size in the DB?

Is there any way to find out which column value has the largest storage out of all tables in PostgreSQL DB? …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
0 votes
0 answers

Query planner not using Index scan for WHERE IN condition [duplicate]

I have a table INVENTORY in PGv9.6.11 and when a run query with WHERE _column_ IN(), query planner using seq scan even have index on that _column_ CREATE TABLE INVENTORY ( process_id bigint, …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
0 votes
1 answer

left join query running too long

I have two tables, test1 and test2, and these tables have around 600M(70GB) and 10k(2MB) records, respectively. when I run a query with left join on site_id, it is taking too long, even though site_id …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
10 votes

Is it possible to add Postgres extensions to AWS Aurora?

To get supported extension list in your AWS Aurora Postgres version, run this query: SHOW rds.extensions; or select * from pg_available_extensions; And also check out PostgreSQL Extensions and … For uuid-ossp usage, please refer to F.44. uuid-ossp in the PostgreSQL documentation. …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
1 vote
0 answers

How to create partition on existing table in PostgreSQL10?

How can we create partitions on the existing table which has not defined with the portion key when it is created? I have one large table and it has 1B+ records and 600GB in size. Are there any new ap …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
8 votes
1 answer

ERROR: insufficient columns in PRIMARY KEY constraint definition

I recently upgraded the database from PostgreSQL v9.6 to v11.7. we have some partitioned table with inherence and planning to migrate them to the declaration. …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
0 votes

Google Managed PGSQL DB migration to DigitalOcean Managed PGSQL DB

Install pg_dump and pg_restore or install entire PostgreSQL Binaries on your local machine or EC2, Droplet compute. … pg_dump that contains the data to be loaded from GCP PG: pg_dump -Fc -v --host=<IP or hostname> --username=<dbadmin> --dbname=<DB name> -f dbname.dump Restore the data into the target Database for PostgreSQL
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
4 votes
1 answer

Create index for WHERE COALESCE() condition

I'm using PostgreSQL V9.6.11 Table DDL: CREATE TABLE test_c ( insrt_prcs_id bigint NOT NULL, updt_prcs_id bigint, src_sys_id integer NOT NULL, load_dttm timestamp(6) with …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426
0 votes
1 answer

Understanding “bitmap heap scan” and “seq scan”

I'm trying to understand that which scan is efficient, Here is the explain for the query, EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM 'myTable_v' --view WHERE cast(TIMESTAMP AS VARCHAR(100)) > CAST(1586415955169 AS VARCHA …
Rj_N's user avatar
  • 426