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JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open, human and machine-readable standard that facilitates data interchange, and along with XML is the main format for data interchange used on the modern web.

1 vote

JSON - How do I get JSON Child Array into one column - OPENJSON in Synapse

SELECT p.ProblemType, p.ProblemTypeLang FROM OPENJSON(@JSONMain, '$.problemtype_data') WITH ( description nvarchar(max) AS JSON ) ProblemType CROSS APPLY( SELECT ProblemType = STRING_AGG …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
2 votes

How can I select data as JSON using a sub query with a string literal?

You could just cast it to json, putting in the obviously missing quotes concat('{"Id": ',, '}')::json as "provider" But it's better to use a proper function that does this json_build_object('Id', …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
2 votes

How to convert json array to json object in PostgreSQL?

json_object_agg(j->>'name', j->>'value') from json_array_elements(cm.cmt_json_value) j ) from configuration_matrix cm; If you only want the data as columns you can just laterally join the JSON
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
4 votes

Nested JSON expressions are converted to strings after a union

You need to put JSON_QUERY on the outer part of a UNION otherwise the compiler doesn't understand that it's already valid JSON. … JSON_QUERY( ISNULL(( SELECT ca.Address1, ca.ContactId FROM ContactAddress ca WHERE ca.ContactId = c.Id for json
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
3 votes

Modify a JSON key value based on another key's value in SQL Server

[key] FROM OPENJSON(mt.settings) array WHERE JSON_VALUE(array.value, '$.type') = '3' ) j; db<>fiddle If you need to change multiple values per row then you need to rebuild the whole JSON. … UPDATE mt SET settings = '[' + j.json + ']' FROM ModifiedTable mt CROSS APPLY ( SELECT json = STRING_AGG( IIF(JSON_VALUE(array.value, '$.type') = '3', JSON_MODIFY(array.value …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
2 votes

How to match data against a rules table

You can use jsonpath queries, using the jsonb_path_exists function. See the documentation. CREATE TABLE YourTable(id int, yourJson jsonb); CREATE TABLE Rules(id int, rule jsonpath); INSERT INTO YourT …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
4 votes

PgSql jsonb_set for all occurance in json array

The easiest way to do this is to deconstruct the JSON, modify each array element, then rebuild the array SELECT (SELECT jsonb_agg( jsonb_set(j1.value, '{rows}', ( SELECT … array into separate rows of JSON objects. …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
3 votes

Create JSON elements based on table content

Instead you need to build the JSON manually using STRING_AGG and STRING_ESCAPE SELECT CONCAT( '{"ItemId":', i.ItemId, ',"Name":"', STRING_ESCAPE(i.Name, 'json'), '"', p.Properties … , '}' ) FROM @Item AS i OUTER APPLY ( SELECT Properties = STRING_AGG( ',"' + STRING_ESCAPE(p.Name, 'json') + '":' + IIF(ip.ItemId IS NULL, N'false', N'true …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
2 votes

Update an nvarchar column with a new json value, without adding quotes to the new value

JSON_QUERY with no path is used to prevent escaping of valid JSON strings. … A text value is not escaped if it is properly formatted JSON produced by FOR JSON, JSON_QUERY, or JSON_MODIFY. …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
0 votes

PostgreSQL - How do I get all the values from a JSONB search on a nested object?

You need to move the ? filter onto the observations node, and within that, filter on value. Also, I think you want 22.0 without quotes, because it is comparing to a double SELECT jsonb_path_query( s …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
5 votes

Return a resultset as JSON text—using pretty formatting

As documented, you can add PRETTY to a JSON function to prettify it SELECT json_object(* PRETTY) from dual; db<>fiddle Output { "DUMMY" : "X" } …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
0 votes

Unexpected newlines in json output in Postgresql

The TEXT format is specified in the documentation to have each row on a new line. If there are embedded newline characters in the value then these will be encoded with \n. Text Format When the text f …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
0 votes

How can I query using like on json field in PostgreSQL?

If you store or convert the column to jsonb then you can use JSONpath SELECT * FROM polygon_versions WHERE jsonb_path_exists( geo_json, '$.geoJSON.geometry.coordinates[*] ? (@[0] == 30.50410692578 …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
1 vote

how to contraint that jsonb column must be a json/object?

You can add the following CHECK constraint ALTER TABLE YourTable ADD CONSTRAINT OnlyJsonObject CHECK (jsonb_typeof(YourColumn) = 'object'); db<>fiddle See also the documentation.
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k
1 vote

Return Subquery with Multiple Columns as JSON Array of JSON Objects

You can't use jsonb_build_array to build an array out of a set of rows, it only accepts a scalar value. So you need to use jsonb_agg instead, within the subbquery ( SELECT jsonb_agg( …
Charlieface's user avatar
  • 14.5k

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