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pglogical is a PostgreSQL extension that implements a publish-subscribe replication model. Use this tag specifically when asking questions about that extension; do not use it for questions about the PostgreSQL native logical replication, available since version 10. Include also the generic "postgresql" tag, along with the version-specific Postgres tag.

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1 answer

Postgres Logical Replication - how to see what subscriber is doing with received data?

I've got two Postgres 13 databases on AWS RDS. One is a master, the other a slave using logical replication. Replication has fallen behind by about 350Gb. The slave was maxed out in terms of CPU for …
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Postgres Logical Replication - how to see what subscriber is doing with received data?

I figured out what my problem was: triggers on the subscriber. I saw in pg_locks that a table was constantly being hit. There was an exclusive lock on the table, and no other query wanted to use it wh …
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