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SQL Server 2008 (major build version 10.00.xxxx). Please also tag with sql-server.

4 votes

SQL Server database file fragmentation

Honestly with a 32 Gig database physical fragmentation shouldn't be much of an issue unless you don't have a couple of gigs of RAM.
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
3 votes

Pros and Cons of SQL Server Database Mail

Why would you build a table to log the emails into, then have another process come through and read the emails from the table in order to send them via database mail. Why not just modify your applica …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
2 votes

Intermittent Disconnection to DB on SAN. Event ID 17053 and 9001

You need to either have a SAN admin look at the system of bring a consultant in to look at it. (Yes I'm a SAN consultant, no that's not why I'm saying this.)
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
1 vote

12.0 Access Database Engine OLD DB Provider Not showing up in SQLEXPRESS 2008

For a 64bit build of SQL to use the Access drive you'll need to install the 64bit version of the Access drive. If you have the 32bit version of Office installed you'll need to either remove that and …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
3 votes

Password mismatch while logging to sql server

Why are you specifying "Initial Catalog=mydb;database=mydb;"? You should be using one or the other, not both. Your connection string should look like this. Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MYPC\MSSQLS …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
1 vote

Can You Access A Replication Database

Security isn't part of SQL Replication. That has to be done manually.
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
3 votes

SQL Server 2008 simple recovery mode issue

If you change the recovery model to SIMPLE to back to either FULL or BULK_RECOVERY you make all your transaction log backups useless. The recovery model shouldn't every be changed regularly. Shrinki …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
1 vote

How to install SQL Server 2008 R2 Profiler

You'll need to completely uninstall the SQL 2008 R2 tools, then reinstall them from the SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition media.
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
1 vote

SQL Server 2008, cpu 100% until recreate an index

If sounds to me like your statistics are becoming stale which is causing the SQL Server to use a crappy execution plan to get to the data. Can you post the execution plan for when the query is workin …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
10 votes

Create a new column in a view and assign it a data type

You'll want this. CREATE VIEW VIEW2 AS SELECT [Column1], cast(NULL as varchar(10)) AS column2 FROM VIEW1;
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
1 vote

SQL Join slower than subquery on View with a Function

Stop using the function, it is killing your performance. Scalar functions are executed once for each row, so you have to scan the entire table in your example, then as you are scanning the table exec …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
0 votes

How to recover the suspect mode database in SQL Server 2008?

Run DBCC CHECKDB without the repair option. What does it tell you? If the system tables are corrupt then it's game over and time to restore from backup.
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
2 votes

SQL Server 2008 R2 - VLDB Backup Strategies

Log shipping to the primary site then doing backups isn't going to work as you can't backup a database which is waiting for t-log backups. With SQL 2008 your only option would be to backup to local d …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
4 votes

How do I create logins for all database users in a database that was just restored for a dif...

Google for sp_help_revlogin and find the version for your version of SQL (the SQL 2008 version works on SQL 2008 and up). Install this sp on the old server. Run sp_help_revlogin on the old server. …
mrdenny's user avatar
  • 27k
10 votes

How to change the instance name of SQL Server Express 2008?

sp_dropserver and sp_addserver are only used to tell the SQL Instance that the name of the physical computer has been changed. There is no way to change the name of the instance without reinstalling …
mrdenny's user avatar
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