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pgAdmin is a graphical administration and development tool for PostgreSQL.

11 votes

Why do my queries take longer together than when I run them separately?

Debunking If you are doing all your updates in the same transaction, each of them will have to work an increasingly bigger set of (physical) tuples. See the following example: CREATE TABLE explode …
András Váczi's user avatar
10 votes

pgAdmin to display multiple result sets

If started from the same SQL window, then no - you will always get the latest result set (or nothing, if the last command returns no rows, like in the case of COMMIT). Not sure if this is OK for you, …
András Váczi's user avatar
9 votes

Error 42P01: relation does not exist

What you had originally was a correct syntax - for tables, not for schemas. As you did not have a table (dubbed 'relation' in the error message), it threw the not-found error. I see you've already n …
András Váczi's user avatar
5 votes

Postgres - Importing multiple rows with Foreign key constraint

Notes: choosing char(2) as the student ID is interesting. pgAdmin is a client to PostgreSQL, it does not have tables by itself. …
András Váczi's user avatar
5 votes

How do I load a data-only dump created with pg_dump to another database?

If you are happy with recreating the tables upon restore (and I see no reason why one should not be happy :), then you could use the --clean option: -c --clean Output commands to clean (dro …
András Váczi's user avatar
4 votes

unable to create schema on amazon rds for postgres

RDS PostgreSQL in this sense is no different from any other PostgreSQL installation. You can, of course, create schemas and whatever objects you want. The problem here is missing privileges. By def …
András Váczi's user avatar
4 votes

How to import a.csv file into a postgresql database using \copy?

You tell the COPY command to look for commas as delimiters (DELIMITERS ','), but there are no commas in your CSV. Use the 'text' format instead (it's the default, so you don't have to specify it) and …
András Váczi's user avatar
4 votes

Creating a PostgreSQL SERIAL column using pgAdmin3

This is not a pgAdmin feature but that of PostgreSQL. If you check your table from an other client (eg. psql) you will see the exact same column definition. Why is it so? …
András Váczi's user avatar
3 votes

How can I speed up PgAdmin III Queries?

It looks like you see a difference between the clients you use. In my experience the different PostgreSQL clients need very different times for displaying the data they got from the server. Far the …
András Váczi's user avatar
1 vote

Backup with pgAdmin ordered by ID

I use pgAdmin 1.14.2 on Ubuntu, but I imagine this will work anywhere else as well. In pgAdmin, go to Tools -> Backup..., where you'll get a dialog with a few tabs. …
András Váczi's user avatar
1 vote

How can I import my server list from pgAdmin 3 to pgAdmin 4?

Under linux (Ubuntu 16.04, in my case, but it must be there on other systems, too), you'll find a .pgadmin3 file in your home directory. In this config file there are entries like [Servers/1] Server …
András Váczi's user avatar
1 vote

DISTINCT ON vs ROW_NUMBER() for getting a row with a maximum value of a group

The timing you see is given by pgAdmin (but it could be any other client) - that means it displays the time it needed to get and render the output. … This way you will have an idea about the rendering time of pgAdmin, too, by comparing the above numbers to the one it gives you. …
András Váczi's user avatar
1 vote

Returning results from many functions / statements

Unfortunately, as you already noticed, pgAdminIII shows only the latest result set. A logical solution could be transforming your 10-50 result sets into one. This can be achieved using UNION ALL: …
András Váczi's user avatar