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All versions of Microsoft SQL Server (not MySQL). Please also add a version-specific tag, like sql-server-2016, since it is often relevant to the question.

5 votes

Table view created with triggers, someone please explain why?

The reason is because the skills for evaluating competence in any discipline are the same skills for competence itself. They thought this design was a good idea because they weren't very skilled in da …
ErikE's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find out what is causing my Identity column to keep going up

The identity value will be increased if you begin a transaction, insert a row, then rollback the transaction. I originally thought that Access databases could be a culprit in this, thinking that its …
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0 votes

SQL Server: Look for column headers

SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%word%' Join to the TABLES view if you want to exclude views (TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'). If you query sysdatabases or sys.databases …
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4 votes
2 answers

sp_executesql adds statements to executed dynamic script?

The Question: As far as I can tell, sp_executesql adds statements to the beginning of submitted dynamic SQL script. But, a SQL Profiler trace does not capture the extra statements, and neither does DB …
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4 votes

Interpreting an execution plan

From your question I gather that your table is relatively small. As you put more rows in the table you'll find that the bookmark lookup stays about the same, and the scan takes longer and longer. Even …
ErikE's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it a good idea to use Synonyms to avoid creating a duplicate table?

Why do you have 3 databases with the same users? What happens if one database goes down now? I'm asking these questions because the Con of the user-source database going down preventing use of the o …
ErikE's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it possible in a view to reference a linked server implicitly rather than explicitly?

CREATE SYNONYM dbo.FooView FOR [LinkedServer].Database.dbo.FooView Then just use dbo.FooView in your SPs and they can be the same between production and dev. Note that this is only for SQL 2005 and …
ErikE's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are queries parsed in such a way that disallows the use of column aliases in most clauses?

In Entity SQL, you CAN use aliases from expressions in other places in the query in some situations: select k1, count(t.a), sum(t.a) from T as t group by t.b + t.c as k1 Note that here you MUST def …
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19 votes

Why are queries parsed in such a way that disallows the use of column aliases in most clauses?

Summary There's no logical reason it couldn't be done, but the benefit is small and there are some pitfalls that may not be immediately apparent. Research Results I did some research and found some …
ErikE's user avatar
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2 votes

sp_executesql adds statements to executed dynamic script?

I discovered that the server doesn't put the injected script content into the batch, but into the cached execution plan. So, you can only see this happening in profiler if the executed dynamic SQL is …
ErikE's user avatar
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1 vote

Get start time and end time of a trip in SQL Server

Here's a version that accepts any number of trip/route definitions and pulls all the answers at once. Aside from the join to the routes which should perform well with the right indexes, all the trip s …
ErikE's user avatar
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8 votes

Does SQL Server read all of a COALESCE function even if the first argument is not NULL?

I just wanted to mention a strategy you may not have considered. It may not be a match here, but it does come in handy sometimes. See if this modification gives you any better performance: SELECT COA …
ErikE's user avatar
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3 votes

Why evaluates "IS NULL" in SSMS interactive mode to "TRUE" but the same statement being exec...

Initialize @OUT__USER_ID with NULL, since it is probably being set to a non-null value earlier in your script somewhere.
ErikE's user avatar
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4 votes

Easily show rows that are different between two tables or queries

Here's a way to show what was asked for: SELECT Which = 'TableA', * FROM ( SELECT * FROM dbo.TableA EXCEPT SELECT * FROM dbo.TableB ) X UNION ALL SELECT 'TableB', * FROM ( SEL …
ErikE's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Syntax for restoring SQL Server backup from non-disk source [duplicate]

I have backed up and restored many a SQL Server database using T-SQL script, but always FROM DISK or TO DISK. I am not a provisioning-concerned database administrator, though, so don't have as much ex …
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