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All versions of Microsoft SQL Server (not MySQL). Please also add a version-specific tag, like sql-server-2016, since it is often relevant to the question.
Tempdb is getting full very quickly in microsoft sql server 2008
developing a log analyzer tool and After queering it and generating reports Tempdb is getting full very quickly .
Depending on what your tool does when generating reports - creates lot of tempdb tab …
Is there a performance difference in the 2 temp table initializations?
Is there a performance difference between the 2 initializations?
No. There is no performance difference. If you use set statistics time, io ON and check there is no CPU or IO involved
SQL Serve …
When SysServer and Server Property Don't Match
master.dbo.sysservers is a deprecated. You should use sys.servers.
If you change your server name after installing sql server then you have to make the entry in master.sys.servers which can be done b …
SQL Server: migrate one table to discrete DB server
If it is one time, then you should use bcp out and bulk insert .. much better and faster than the linked server approach that you are thinking, since in the linked server approach if you run the query …
What happens when SQL Server is in Single User Mode?
Single user is related to the number of connections that can be opened to the database. (including the background thread or sql agent connection).
It does not govern the isolation levels.
What are the risks in running ALTER VIEW in a live production environment?
Nobody is selecting from the view I'm updating, or anything that depends on it, but they may be updating data in tables the view uses.
Should be OK.
Users may be selecting the from the view b …
Instant File Initialization
Easiest way is to
enable TF 3004 and 3605 (turn them off when done)
Create a dummy database
Check in error log for "SQL Server is zeroing out ..."
SQL Server 2016 will log the message by default …
Converting a SQL Server 2000 Database to SQL Server 2016
Adding more info and complementing @sql_handle's answer ...
You can upgrade from any version 2005+ to any other version.
Since you are on SQL 2000, you have to have a jump server to facilitate the …
SQL: Max Server Memory Allocation
A general recommendation by Jonathan (from SQLSkills)
reserve 1 GB of RAM for the OS, 1 GB for each 4 GB of RAM installed from 4–16 GB, and then 1 GB for every 8 GB RAM installed above 16 GB RAM. …
MS SQL :Export data from query output to excel which has a column with huge data
The best way is to install SSMS plugin - SSMSBoost add-in and script data in excel
note: the plugin is free - community edition and has a prof. license as well. I have used the community edition and …
How to set CHECK_POLICY OFF in the sql script
You have to do
Alter login login_name with CHECK_POLICY = { ON | OFF }
Alter login login_name with CHECK_EXPIRATION = { ON | OFF }
scramble the value of one column and unscramble it?
There are plenty of generic data masking script, but the only problem is that no one understands your data better than you.
You have to write your own masking script based on what data you consider s …
What is MSrepl_tran_version? (MS SQL Server)
what, exactly, is msrepl_tran_version? We have it in all our tables (a rather large number), but I don't believe we're using replication. I guess we did at some point in the past, maybe.
when you …
Sql server - Rebuilding Indexes - Does it affect foreign keys?
will this invalidate Foreign Keys from other tables pointing to the table I am rebuilding, or will the links be preserved?
No it wont invalidate foreign keys.
Rebuilding an index drops and re-c …
How to send an alert based on SQL Query results
I would like to add a "T-SQL Statement Task" that will execute a query and send me an email alert based on the results of the query.
You can do this using a TSQL Task and using sp_send_dbmail as …