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All versions of Microsoft SQL Server (not MySQL). Please also add a version-specific tag, like sql-server-2016, since it is often relevant to the question.

3 votes
2 answers

Trying to check if a string contains a number exclusively

I have been trying to write a function to check if a string contains a number without that number being part of a bigger number (in other words if the number being searched for is '6' and the string i …
0 votes

Trying to check if a string contains a number exclusively

I have since re-written my function as follows. Edit: I completed this before seeing Solomon Rutzky's reply to my question. His reply works and is better than mine. But I will leave this answer as …
MrVimes's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Moving data into an archive table and reducing the size of the original table

On a SQL Server I inherited, there is a 55GB database on a 70GB drive. There are many small tables, and one big table that is 50GB in size (approx 36GB data, 15GB index). The log file is on a differen …
7 votes
3 answers

Storing NULL versus storing '' in a varchar column

I realize this may be marked as duplicate, but I'm specifically asking in relation to SQL Server 2005 I have read conflicting advice on the internet so I'm asking here. Specifically in SQL Server 2 …
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a better way than this to split a string and get the first substring?

I'm trying to cut off everything after a certain character (in this case '&') and if there is no occurence of that character, get the entire string. select left(@str,isnull(nullif(charindex('&',@str) …
3 votes
4 answers

Index fragmentation increased significantly after rebuild

I've googled this and I know that some people say index fragmentation doesn't matter, but they go on to describe scenarios where it might matter. Mine might be such a scenario. I have an index on a …
2 votes
1 answer

Changing char(10) to char(3) grew table even after cleantable and shrinkfile

In a largely experimental attempt to reduce table space usage I altered a char(10) column to char(3) (The column's contents are never more than three characters long) Steps (Not carried out in a sin …
4 votes
1 answer

Reclaim space from dropped column when there isn't enough space for index rebuild

I dropped a char(10) column from a table that has about 111 million rows (30gb data, 11gb index) I then ran an index rebuild on the clustered index. This ate up all the space on the drive containing …
4 votes
1 answer

Is it wise to drop fixed-length columns to free up space?

I have a huge table in SQL Server 2005. (The table is about 40gb) I am looking for the safest and most pain-free way to either free up space, or delay its growth. The table has three fixed length (c …
7 votes
1 answer

Appending backups while overwriting expired sets

I've been reading up on this, but the online documentation is a bit difficult to understand and seems awkwardly written. For example the INIT, NOINIT. One says it will try to overwrite everything. Th …