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13 votes

Will SSRS be extinct soon, and PowerBI the new model?

Does this mean Microsoft will eventually try to deprecate SSRS? Ref: No. ...
SqlWorldWide's user avatar
  • 13.6k
9 votes

Will SSRS be extinct soon, and PowerBI the new model?

About the separate installer for SSRS, here's a good reason: In summary, SSRS, and PowerBI Report ...
RoyceBautista's user avatar
4 votes

Always On Availability Groups as a Secondary Read Only Database

1.Does Always On Availability Groups mean the database will basically be mirrored and that I can use that server to offload the heavy reporting to? It'll be a full copy of the database. You can think ...
Sean Gallardy's user avatar
4 votes

Always On Availability Groups as a Secondary Read Only Database

The secondaries can be used as read only. Keep in mind data is still being added to the secondaries in near real time. Transaction log backups are conducted against the primary AG instance. If the ...
SQLMac's user avatar
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3 votes

Is ELT appropriate for life critcal applications such as Medical Systems when converting to a new application?

ELT is fine for a critical system. Your problem is predicated on this faulty assumption: "Because the data is not cleaned up like in ETL..." You can do most any cleanup with ELT as you do with ETL. ...
CalZ's user avatar
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3 votes

Import data into MySQL using Talend Open Studio

What parameters are You use for Talend tMySQLOutput? What MySQL settings? It could not be faster then INFILE, but still really depend from settings. You can post Your question on TelndForge forum ...
a_vlad's user avatar
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3 votes

Strategies/Resources for implementing data lineage in an ETL process?

Lineage is sometimes implemented in the ETL tool, but the Microsoft stack doesn't really. Since you want to offer the insight to your end users it's probably not even a lot of help if your development ...
Tom V's user avatar
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3 votes

Is "ETL vs ELT" just "tables vs views"?

No. What you describe are all variants of ELT. The difference between ETL and ELT is in where you do the "T". The "traditional" ETL flow would implement the "T" (data ...
mustaccio's user avatar
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3 votes

Load New Foreign Key in Facts Table, When Update Dimension with SCD Type 2

No, you wouldn't update the fact table. The fact record is tied to the version of the customer which existed between 2018-04-02 11:52:47.040 and 2018-04-02 22:29:05.243 in which they had a 1.99 ...
billinkc's user avatar
  • 16k
2 votes

How to handle NULL Dates in an "Accumulating fact table"

You say "null should be avoided in a foreign key column," but are these dates really FKs? Most likely, these dates are just attributes of an order, and if the dates are unknown (and the ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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2 votes

error in SSIS - [SQL query execution task] Error: The binding name of the results must be zero for the complete result set and the XML results

Click on ResultSet in the Execute SQL Task, click Add. In the 'ResultSetName' column, enter the exact name of the columnname that you are retrieving or simply give it 0. In the 'variablename', select ...
Benedikt Schackenberg's user avatar
2 votes

Strategies/Resources for implementing data lineage in an ETL process?

If by "The full Microsoft stack" you are referring to the on-prem: SQL Server SSIS SSAS SSRS / PowerBI Then you pretty much have to track lineage manually. None of these tools will help you. It's ...
Erin Drummond's user avatar
2 votes

Add a years field to a date field?

It seems like you could use DATEADD pretty easily. SELECT DATEADD(YEAR, 3, '2019-01-01') AS math Just substitute in the columns in your table, something like this: SELECT DATEADD(YEAR, ...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
2 votes

'Refreshing' SSRS subscriptions (parameter values not valid due to lack of data in the tables)

What you do is to create your subscription to run only once. Then you go to the agent job it created and copy the step's code. This you can then run in a stored procedure after checking if there are ...
Albertus van den Berg's user avatar
2 votes

SSDT - Unresolved Reference to temporary table in linked server

I know this is an old question, but I want to throw this out there in case anyone else happens upon this post. Create a "scripts" folder in your SQL Database Project, and add a Pre-Deploy script that ...
Lizzy's user avatar
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2 votes

Data into Star Schema's fact or dimension table?

This is a very interesting, but perhaps also a bit too general as a question. My general opinion is that if the cardinality of a dimension starts to approach that of the fact table, then there's no ...
nsousa's user avatar
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1 vote

Complicated SSRS layout - is that possible?

If you're using a single dataset which returns a single row, this should be pretty easy to achieve. Not with subreports, but rather "sub tables". Create separate tables for certain areas, then drag ...
Jerb's user avatar
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1 vote

Import data into MySQL using Talend Open Studio

First of all what output component are you using? The speeds you are suggesting seem like you are using Tmysqloutput. This is very slow because it is designed to write line by line. Try using ...
Dillon Wright's user avatar
1 vote

Star Schema from Relational Database

CREATE TABLE atudent ( student_id_ INT NOT NULL, address INT NOT NULL, Gender INT NOT NULL, Birthday INT NOT NULL, Program INT NOT NULL, Class INT NOT NULL, Name INT NOT NULL, Phone ...
Mohammed Rjoub's user avatar
1 vote

Best approach for populating date dimension table

Here is a single SELECT query that uses the WITH RECURSIVE statement. It does not require loops, procedures etc. A RECURSIVE SQL common table expression (CTE) is a query that continuously references a ...
yg-dba's user avatar
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1 vote

How to determine if an Oracle table is locked or not?

You can check table lock from v$lock and dba_objects view. Below query will give you the lock details. select a.sid||'|'|| a.serial#||'|'|| a.process from v$session a, v$locked_object b, dba_objects ...
santosh tiwary's user avatar

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