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Log table without primary key

The additional cost of INSERT here is trivial, unless you have high enough insert volumes to hit hot page latch contention, which only starts to kick in around ~10,000 rows/sec, and since it's just ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
-1 votes

Log table without primary key

The main benefits I can think of of using a table as a heap in SQL Server, for example in your case a table with an identity column and no primary key and assume another indexes: Faster Insert ...
Jason Doyle's user avatar
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Log table without primary key

I would have thought if its an identity column it would have to be checking the data anyway to do an insert at correct numbers, should this be set up as a pk for that reason? No, that is not how ...
Tibor Karaszi's user avatar
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Log table without primary key

First of all, PK is not Clustered Index, although in SSMS it seems so. In short, clustered index should be built. To insert rows in the heap also need read IO, which must search IAM(Index Allocation ...
Rodger Kong's user avatar
0 votes

Log table without primary key

Give it a PK. This helps in multiple aspects of data management, not just logical. For example, suppose at some point later you decided to ship this data somewhere and whatever gatekeeper requires and ...
Ross Bush's user avatar
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