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4 votes

Does GTID have only benefits in MySQL over "standard" Replication?

The biggest advantage is auto-positioning. So you don't have to check and double-check the binlog file and position when you start replication. You just point the replica at its source and it figures ...
Bill Karwin's user avatar
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4 votes

MySQL: Remove bad GTID from GTID Set

For those who find this later in life.. This was a catastrophic mistake. There is no way to fix this problem. A RESET MASTER / CHANGE MASTER TO must be performed farm wide. Why is it so catastrophic? ...
Van's user avatar
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SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 1 fails, setting @@gtid_slave_pos used to skip a given GTID position

I found the following worked for me. This does not restore a slave into state that is an exact replica of master. There will be data differences. I will use pt-table-sync to fix those. 1. Restart ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I turn off GTID to fix this error?

Short answer: Yes, you can disable GTID without risk if you're not replicating from that Server. Long answer: The GTID is "a unique identifier created and associated with each transaction committed ...
Mauricio Cacho's user avatar
2 votes

Restoring a mysqldump loses user privileges for routines?

You need to add the --set-gtid-purged=OFF flag to your mysqldump statement. This will stop it from writing the set-gtid-purged line in the dump file.
Ryan Bell's user avatar
2 votes

GTID replication from a MySQL 5.7.38 Master to MariDB 10.6.10?

MariaDB claims it should "just work". Replication from MySQL 5.6 with GTID, ...
Bill Karwin's user avatar
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2 votes

MySQL: Remove bad GTID from GTID Set

I think the correct way to solve this is to run the slave just before the bad GTID is executed. START SLAVE supports an UNTIL clause. Read more about it here. Then you can insert an empty transaction ...
tombom's user avatar
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Enabling mySQL replication using GTID after purging binlog

Whether you use GTID or not, any replica needs a continuous stream of binlogs to keep in sync. If any of the binlogs needed for the replica to catch up are gone, then it's trash. It can never catch up....
Bill Karwin's user avatar
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1 vote

How to resolve GTID difference between Master and Slave servers in MariaDB replication using MaxScale?

I have found the solution in this article: I had to detect the last bin log from the Master node, and to execute the following ...
Lucian Tarbă's user avatar
1 vote

Broken Slave MySQL : How To Fix MySQL Replication (BINLOG) error in the Slave?

The pt-slave-repair is a supplement to the original pt-slave-restart tool, providing automatic repair for erroneous data in MySQL master-slave replication, as well as recovery for interrupted SQL ...
hiller1231's user avatar
1 vote

mysqlpump --set-gtid-purged=OFF still adds @SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN=0;

There is a bug report open for this: Describing exactly the issue you are facing. mysqlpump with --set-gtid-purged=off, still has "SET @@SESSION....
Bram's user avatar
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1 vote

Repair GTID from Restore with sql_log_bin=0 and then drop table

The issue is that you have this blob of data that was no way of being replicated. When you put it on the master and it set the gtid purged variable it basically says: I have this data, but I can't ...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

MariaDB GTID current_pos vs slave_pos

Use current_pos to switchover master. Use slave_pos for a regular replication. current_pos - last change in GTID domain slave_pos - last replicated change applied by SQL thread or parallel workers ...
Ilshat Karazbayev's user avatar
1 vote

Enable GTID on one node in Percona/Galera

The scenario you have described is all OK. Nevertheless, we recommend that you enable GTID on all nodes, and the recommendation in that reference you provided is also to enable GTID on all nodes. As ...
greenweeds's user avatar
1 vote

How do I turn off MariaDB GTID to revert back to binlog replication?

On each slave, run this. It'll do it without downtime and very little replication delay. stop slave; change master to master_use_gtid=no; start slave; You can watch show slave status \G, ...
flickerfly's user avatar
1 vote

SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 1 fails, setting @@gtid_slave_pos used to skip a given GTID position

I have found in production that Parallel_Mode is the most likely cause of my problems. I recommend using a different value from optimistic MariaDB [(none)]> select @@slave_parallel_mode\G *******...
nelaaro's user avatar
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1 vote

MySQL: Remove bad GTID from GTID Set

When you backup a database with GTID enabled in mysqldump. You can see that at the begining of the file, it sets the gtid from the master with the following command: SET @@global.gtid_purged='...
kriegu's user avatar
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changes on multimaster replication and activate GTID

OK, for anybody reading this in future. I did the first step changing all server to use GTID based replication and it worked perfect. I did it the way as I wrote in the original post. Right now I ...
jgnoss's user avatar
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