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Replication Monitor Information using T-SQL

You can get information you need by querying the dbo.MSReplication_monitordata table from a distribution database with this script, for all publications: USE distribution SELECT status AS ...
Mspaja's user avatar
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4 votes

SQL equivalent to CouchDB for 2 way replication

The way CouchDB's replication mechanism is created and integrated is kind of unique. This has to do with the historical situation, that CouchDB should be able to live in a distributed world from the ...
awenkhh's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I find out that a publication has "replicated schema changes" enabled?

Run this stored procedure at the Publisher: sp_helpmergepublication And check this column: replicate_ddl A value of 1 means that schema changes are replicated
ErikEJ's user avatar
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How to run merge agent job step on tsql

In SQL Server parlance, an "Agent" is an external executable that runs outside the SQL Server process. What you see in the job step are the command line parameters for that executable, not a T-SQL ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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Update and migrate database from SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2019

My checklist would be: Download Microsoft® Data Migration Assistant and search for possible incompatibilities with SQL Server 2019. On a test environment upgrade to SQL Server 2019. At this point ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
2 votes

Merge Replication customize synchronization cycle and its performance

To customize the merge process, you'll need to implement a custom business logic handler (requires .NET code - cannot be implemented using TSQL). See Execute Business Logic During Merge ...
Xingzhou Liu's user avatar
2 votes

MySQL merge two tables of different database to single database

What you've entered is equivalent to: CREATE TABLE TB3A AS ( SELECT a.AgreementID, a.Column2, a.Column3, a.Column4, a.Column5, b.AgreementID, b.Column2, b.Column3, b.Column4, b.Column5,...
RDFozz's user avatar
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REPLMERG.exe cannot connect to distributor

REPLMERG.EXE . . . -DistributorSecurityMode 0 . . . Per the command line parameters for replmerg.exe -DistributorSecurityMode [ 0| 1] Specifies the security mode of the Distributor. A value of 0 ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
2 votes

Selecting specific table for each subscriber when using merge replication in SQL Server with multiple subscribers

yes, that is possible - you create 3 different publications - and in each publication you add only the respective tables you want for each server. for example - only 2 tables for server1 The other ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
2 votes

Why merge replication wants to replicate view before replicating related table?

I don't know if this apply to your issue, but according MS-DOCS about this error: Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201001 Maybe it is not about trying to replicate a VIEW before the TABLE, but another ...
McNets's user avatar
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SQL Server is unable to connect to server , requires the actual server name

According to Release notes for SQL Server vNext on Linux, under the section Unsupported features and services, Replication is not currently supported.
Brandon Williams's user avatar
2 votes

What does it mean when a merge replication generation has no changes?

A generation with 0 changes is not indication of a problem. It is just indication that the generation contains no changes. If you look at the statement you quoted from BOL, it reads "Generations are ...
spaghettidba's user avatar
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1 vote

SQL Merge Replication Issue - problem where backup and maintenance job which is running till morning and most of the server jobs are stuck

I came to know the Anti virus was updated last week and past weekend all servers were rebooted. To test on one server we disabled some of the install anti virus features, and my job ran successfully ...
Savneet Kaur's user avatar
1 vote

MS SQL Server Error: Replication components are not installed on this server on Ubuntu

Confirmed. Replication on Linux begins with SQL Server 2019 according to Microsoft SQL Server 2019 introduces SQL Server Replication for instances of SQL Server on Linux.
Dawoodjee's user avatar
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SQL Server Replication, is it possible to have "upload only" syncronization on some articles?

You can add a filter like: 0 = 1, and the article becomes upload only
ErikEJ's user avatar
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Foreign key constraints check during replication?

Foreign Key Constraints, Check Constraints, IDENTITY columns and Triggers all support the NOT FOR REPLICAION option to control whether they are active when the replication agent updates subscribers. ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
1 vote

Triggers corrupt merge replication

Well as McNets answered all i had to do is alter the script. ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TRG] ON [dbo].[Table] AFTER DELETE NOT FOR REPLICATION AS BEGIN BLA BLA BLA END
DnL's user avatar
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SQL Server Replication changing a tables ID numbers

You need to turn no 'NOT FOR REPLICATION' on the field, then the target will take the identity field from the source table rather than trying to generate its own this can be done by: alter table dbo....
Ste Bov's user avatar
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Merge Replication From Multiple Express to Central

Is this even possible Yes. Once you have the subscriptions created and initialized then you insert your data into the tables created on the subscribers. The next time the subscriptions synchronize,...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
1 vote

MySQL Replication Relay for Peer-to-peer replication for Multi-master replications

(The question is much too broad. So, I will give only a broad explanation of Master, Slave, and Relay.) A server can be a Master, a Slave, or both. Dual-Master (a form of multi-master) has both ...
Rick James's user avatar
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MsMerge_genhistory has alot of rows with pubid = null

I have found out that since i use anonymous subscribers the publication will take ownership of all changes and it will not set a pubid for its changes. the only row that the subscriber adds is a row ...
Dratskapoo's user avatar
1 vote

Merge replication - corrupt row continually trying to INSERT

I've managed to hack my way around the issue, so I'll leave this here for posterity and in case anyone else has the problem. I've no doubt this is an extremely bad idea, and will cause my whole server ...
KenD's user avatar
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Merge replication Identity columns for already existing databases

Vikram, If your remote sites are named unique, then you can utilize HOST_NAME() as a FILTER while creating a Merge Publication, we are doing the same at our place. We have 2000 stores across USA, ...
NismoGTR05's user avatar
1 vote

Merge Replication: Service Account Password Change

If the same username and password is to be used on all servers, you will need to make that change on all machines, or rather the replication agent jobs. If you change the password but miss one of the ...
sql_williamd's user avatar
1 vote

Server and Client type Subscriptions

Server subscriptions are for: Republishing data Serve as alternate synchronization partners (This has been deprecated) Resolving conflicts according to a priority If your subscription(s) do not ...
Brandon Williams's user avatar
1 vote

SQL Server replication with subscriber doesn't know about the publisher

A VPN connection can be used to connect to each other. But moving a huge data over Internet is done using DHCP connection, And may be slower depending on your internet connection.
Kumar Reddy's user avatar
1 vote

Replication Monitor Information using T-SQL

There's a stored procedure that may help you, but permuting the results of a stored procedure are kludgy, as you may know. sp_replmonitorhelppublication null
Michael come lately's user avatar
1 vote

2 Identical Servers/SQL Servers Processing Transactions w/ Merge Replication

According to given scenario if both applications use the same set of data (database), AlwaysOn is the best solution. It gives you fast & almost real-time synchronization at mirror node with ...
Rajesh Ranjan's user avatar
1 vote

2 Identical Servers/SQL Servers Processing Transactions w/ Merge Replication

Have you considered Peer-to-peer transactional replication? You can find out more comparison here. Peer-to-peer transactional replication: Use When... Replication is used to improve ...
Danilo Braga's user avatar
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Very slow merge replication synchronization

There are many factors that can affect replication. Some common factors that I've come across are related to slow networking, blocking and storage issues. But the one that may be a factor is the ...
Michael Keleher's user avatar

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