New answers tagged oracle-12c
How to easily keep versioned data in an Oracle table
For Oracle, the Flashback Data Archive feature supports requirements like this.
Given that you have a system that currently has current-versions only, I presume that most queries would use current-...
How to easily keep versioned data in an Oracle table
You approach does not provide a sensible solution for the case that a K, D pair needs to be deleted.
Instead check "Developing Time-oriented Database Applications in SQL" by Richard T. ...
v$session vs sys.v_$session
non-Autonomous DB:
V$SESSION is a public synonym for V_$SESSION.
V_$SESSION is a view owned by SYS.
USER.V$SESSION normally does not exist.
When granting privileges on such views, the privileges need ...
Oracle 12c RAC Cluster / CRS fails to start after reboot
First you need to analyze log files ( CRS and ASM ).
Then check the status of the disks in the ASM and pay attention to the disk where it is located OCR.
Maybe : CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM ...
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