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sum() of aggregate count()?

ROLLUP select count(regexp_replace( email_id , '^[^@]+@','')) as count, regexp_replace( email_id , '^[^@]+@','') as domain from logins where last_login between '2024-08-06' and '2024-09-06' group ...
jjanes's user avatar
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Copy where clause on both joined tabled, equivalence

The answer is yes, the queries are the same due to the use of equivalence classes. It works only for equality (=42) but not (yet) for more complicated cases (inequality, IN...). Reference: Postgres ...
Adrien Nayrat's user avatar
1 vote

"Wrong affix file formate for flag" while loading dictionaries from LibreOffice in PostgreSQL 9.3

I had a lot of trouble implementing the Dutch ispell/hunspell dictionaries. Similar complaints about affix flags. Problem – at least for the more recent Dutch ones that are provided by OpenTaal – was ...
Hans's user avatar
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sum() of aggregate count()?

No need to use regular expressions at all (the code below can be found on the fiddle here: To resolve this, I did the following: CREATE TABLE logins ( email_id TEXT NOT NULL ); and populate: INSERT ...
Vérace's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: Is there any way to differentiate an actual Disk I/O from system cache hit?

Since the system cache belongs to the system, you mostly need to use system tools to assess it. vmstat being the preeminent one for me. Unless you have a lot of non-PostgreSQL related things also ...
jjanes's user avatar
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