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16 votes

Online page restore hitting 1000 limit

The standard procedure would be to: Obtain the page IDs that have to be restored. Start a page restore with a full database. Apply the most recent differential backup. Apply subsequent log backups. ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
  • 18.3k
12 votes

SQL database stuck in recovery

The error you're seeing in the SQL Server Error Log is this one: Recovery of database 'CrashTestDummy' (9) is 0% complete (approximately 42 seconds remain). Phase 2 of 3. This is an informational ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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10 votes

Decrypt T-SQL log backup header and read LSN

Could anyone confirm or denies that restoring the header only wouldn't affect the sys.fn_dblog or anything else? RESTORE HEADERONLY doesn't target any database in its syntax: RESTORE HEADERONLY ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
9 votes

Is there a way to reduce the amount of time spent on a point in time recovery?

Yes, you would have to restore the full backup, at maximum one diff backup, and all necessary log backups to perform a point-in-time recovery in SQL Server. In SQL Server, you cannot roll back already ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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8 votes

How to recover MariaDB Galera Cluster after full crash?

Pre-Recovery Settings: Ensure that the MYSQL_HOME path is being exported in the .profile. If the MySQL install is in a different location, then make that change to the MYSQL_HOME.(Example: MYSQL_HOME=...
Siero Sierikas's user avatar
8 votes

What is an orphan incarnation?

Following is a short graphic which I will be using to explain when orphans are created in the incarnations of a database. It is a variation of the graphic I used to explain incarnations in my answer ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
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8 votes

How do I recover data from the postgres data directory on my hard drive?

If you need a method to restore the database but do not have an Intel/AMD-based system available, then a virtual machine on Amazon, DigitalOcean, or elsewhere may give you what you need. If you’ve ...
matigo's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the difference between NORECOVERY and RECOVERY when restoring database?

There is more to it. A database restore issued with NORECOVERY is left in a pending state and cannot be accessed. Logs and differentials can be added to the database while it is in this state since ...
Aaron Rheams's user avatar
7 votes

What is an orphan incarnation?

RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION ORPHAN if this is a noncurrent incarnation that is not a direct ancestor of the current incarnation. Steps to reproduce: SQL> select incarnation#, status from v$...
Balazs Papp's user avatar
  • 41.1k
7 votes

How crash recovery process works in SQL Server?

The Comparison of RECOVERY and NORECOVERY section of the RESTORE Statements doc should help you with that question: Rollback is controlled by the RESTORE statement through the [ RECOVERY | NORECOVERY ...
Ronaldo's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a way to reduce the amount of time spent on a point in time recovery?

You could look into using the SQL Server snapshot feature depending on your use case. I use the feature prior to running production deployments and in non-Prod environments when I want to reset a DB ...
MattyZDBA's user avatar
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6 votes

Strategy on Standby restore option for hourly log shipping file

Do I restore each transactional log file as "standby" all the time and just leave them as "standby" mode? Either will work, but it is faster to apply all the logs except the last ...
user229856's user avatar
6 votes

Restoring a broken SQL Server database - combining old DB+TL backup with new

The answer to your question is No. You cannot bring another transaction log backup(from a restored database) and restore with your current backup set. Why: Due to Log Sequence Numbers will not match. ...
SqlWorldWide's user avatar
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5 votes

MySQL Crashed - InnoDB

As per your log it shows you have corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to InnoDB:
Md Haidar Ali Khan's user avatar
5 votes

Recover database from uninstalled SQL Server

The database files are probably still there - in the directory for data and log files. Th default one is c:\ProgramFiles\MSSQL\MSSQL\MSSQL10_50\MSSQL\Data. If not default then you need to locate your ...
George K's user avatar
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5 votes

Using Ola Hallengren's full backup but database option is for simple?

A full backup can be taken from a database in any recovery model (full, simple, or bulk-logged). It is an unfortunate conflict in terms that is somewhat overloaded. You could consider this type of ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a problem creating only differential backups every hour?

Storage is not why you take log backups. You take log backups when the database is in full recovery model, and you need point-in-time recovery between full or incremental backups. If your business ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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5 votes

Database cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore

This USE master GO RESTORE LOG test FROM Kingston WITH STOPAT = '2020-05-13 14:05:25', RECOVERY; Will not perform recovery if the STOPAT time is outside the range of times in the log backup. This ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
5 votes

Starting SQL server Database in forced recovery mode

Not possible. Recovery mode means that redo was performed but not undo i.e., you need a prior restore operation. A snapshot backup can be used as a base for restoring log backups (Veeam does it) but I ...
Tibor Karaszi's user avatar
5 votes

Should databases be dumped to SQL format or custom archive?

Ask yourself the same question that you ask whenever you need to store any Data: How are you going to use this Data Backup? If you need to get "into" the file and manipulate it (as a ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Recover from Postgres FATAL: could not open file pg_tblspc/

The answer by @bachr helped me. In my case, I tried several times start the service manually but, at the same time, that was interrupted. So I accessed the log file at the bin folder and, after ...
Will Peter's user avatar
4 votes

Why does ORACLE cache recovery create uncommited blocks during instance recovery?

How can a redo log file generate uncommitted data since all its information are recorded after COMMIT ? LGWR process flushes redo logs from redo log buffer cache to online redo log files when- A ...
atokpas's user avatar
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4 votes

Postgresql roll backward recovery

The uncommitted transactions are not escaped. They do get replayed. However, any process running across the new data from these transactions know to ignore them as they are not committed. And any ...
jjanes's user avatar
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4 votes

Very slow SQL Server database recovery

Here's what we found: Even though the SQL LOG claimed an ETA of 24 hours, the DB recovered in 12 hours. So the numbers were grossly over-estimated. Even though SQL LOG was showing percentage ...
RaviLobo's user avatar
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4 votes

Transaction recovery and rollback

Assuming that R means Read and W means Write, then the work you're proposing is like this: W1(x) C That's it. Reads are irrelevant for recovery. And a crash denotes the end, you can't have a write ...
Remus Rusanu's user avatar
4 votes

Does the recovery model affect growth of the .mdf file?

the simple recovery model only affects the log files of your database (.ldf). If your datafiles are growing, you can check the tables that are occupying more space, you can use the management studio: ...
Eduardo Pivaral's user avatar
4 votes

Transaction log records in sql server

Based on Silberschatz's Database system concepts book, log file for a transaction has 3 records That's the minimum you'd need for replay and recovery of individual transactions without any ...
Sean Gallardy's user avatar
4 votes

Oracle Can a Dropped View Be Recovered?

Sure. For example: use flashback query on DBA_VIEWS. SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; Session altered. SQL> create or replace view v1 as select * from dual; ...
Balazs Papp's user avatar
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4 votes

Is accelerated database recovery available in SQL Server 2019?

The documentation page link in your question is specific to Azure SQL Database. Note Azure in the url:
Dan Guzman's user avatar
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