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6 votes

Restoring a broken SQL Server database - combining old DB+TL backup with new

The answer to your question is No. You cannot bring another transaction log backup(from a restored database) and restore with your current backup set. Why: Due to Log Sequence Numbers will not match. ...
SqlWorldWide's user avatar
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Reading data from data directory

The correct way to work with any database files is through a running instance of [the correct version of] the DBMS that manages those files. Trying to do anything manually with database files is, ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Restore SQL Server deleted files (.mdf, .ldf) (no backup)

I mistakenly deleted the database file and then mdf & ldf files also were deleted. Unfortunately, I did not backup any data and can't install any repair program. Could I restore the mdf, ldf files?...
J.D.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Restore deleted filegroup from detached database

create a database with same structure as your database (same files and same filegroups) take the missing file offline(on new created database alter database [newdb] modify file (name='...
Vahid Mousaoghli's user avatar
1 vote

Oracle database backup recovery

There are two separate task here: restore and recover database and perform upgrade. Let's start with the first one. Let's pretend you have instance of 10G installed. First of all you have to create an ...
SergeyA's user avatar
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Why does PostgreSQL accept connections during recovery?

Two options come to my mind: connect and check if PostgreSQL is no longer in recovery mode: psql -Atq -c 'SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()' if the connection fails, PostgreSQL isn't up if the result is t,...
Laurenz Albe's user avatar
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1 vote

Database cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore

You need the additional command: RESTORE DATABASE test WITH RECOVERY; It appears that RECOVERY is ignored in the RESTORE LOG command, and it needs an additional command to confirm that the restore ...
comment-answers's user avatar

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