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16 votes

Limit max CPU usage SQL SERVER with WSRM

Is there any reason NOT to use the approach you've defined? Absolutely. Imagine you had bought a car - a car that when you hit 50MPH the engine starts to overheat. Would your reaction to this ...
George.Palacios's user avatar
12 votes

Limit max CPU usage SQL SERVER with WSRM

Erik Darling mentioned the biggest practical reason for not using WSRM in a comment on your question: ...there's no reciprocal limiting of CPU use in other processes. SQL Server may not use those ...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
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7 votes

Disabling Resource Governor in SQL Server

I change Resource Governor settings quite often without restarting SQL Server. I am not aware of any need to restart SQL Server after changing Resource Governor settings except possibly for a ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
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6 votes

Using Resource Governor with SQL Agent Jobs

Resource governor classifier functions only run during the Login process. Impersonation via EXECUTE AS does not trigger the classifier function. EXECUTE AS is how SQL Server Agent runs jobs in the ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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6 votes

Limiting the CPU/Memory utilization for a Query in SQL server 2008R2

The short answer is 'Yes'. You can use RG to limit the CPU consumption of that process. Note that RG is only available in Enterprise and Data Center editions of SQL Server 2008R2. Use the Microsoft ...
SQLRaptor's user avatar
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6 votes

Identify top logins\users consuming resources

There's nothing built in to SQL Server that will do this. If you don't feel like using sp_who3 and partying like it's 2002, here's another method. Grab sp_WhoIsActive If you just want to see what's ...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
5 votes

Using Resource Governor to limit query CPU usage for same user

The bad news The only way to throttle the sessions you want is to uniquely identify them. If you cannot do this, then you cannot selectively throttle resources using the Resource Governor. The good ...
Peter Vandivier's user avatar
5 votes

Using Resource Governor and allocate more memory to satisfy high Memory Grant request by queries?

This is the opposite of what you should do. When you have queries waiting on RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE, they're waiting for other queries to finish running, and give up their memory. The queries that are ...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
4 votes

Resource Governor not limiting CPU / RAM

If you want to limit the CPU of a resource pool then you need to use the CAP_CPU_PERCENT setting: This settings is a hard cap limit on the CPU bandwidth for all requests in the resource pool. ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
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4 votes

Resource Governor and Resource Pool CPU Utilization Configuration

Question 1 Do user defined resource pools consider the default pool in their calculations? Yes, they do. You can verify it by editing the minimum CPU for the default pool and trying to add another ...
Ronaldo's user avatar
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3 votes

What does resource governor classify as CPU contention?

From the documentation of MIN_CPU_PERCENT and MAX_CPU_PERCENT. Formatting and emphasis mine These settings are the minimum and maximum guaranteed average CPU bandwidth for all requests in the ...
Zikato's user avatar
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3 votes

Rollback a transaction using single thread/multi thread

Rollback are mostly single threaded (this is why rollback could take way longer then the transaction you are rollbacking). You cannot &...
Dominique Boucher's user avatar
2 votes

Best-practice use of Resource Governor in SQL Server 2017

Supporting a hybrid workload requires more than just resource governance. The docs call this scenario Real-Time Operational Analytics, and it's a bunch of features all working together. First you ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
2 votes

SQL Server Resource Pool and Workload Groups

Yes, those two scenarios will result in the same resource allocation - in theory. In scenario 1, if there is CPU pressure, the two workloads running in the "20% resource pool" will share that CPU "...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
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2 votes

SQL Server Resource governor user-defined resource pools

Think of the resource pool as physically dividing the CPU, memory, and IO of the server. This can be useful when you need to limit resources used by overlapping workloads. The workload groups further ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
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2 votes

There is insufficient system memory in resource pool to run this query

we are using 2012 - the first implementation of columnstore indexes. Further analysis showed that the crashes always happened when a columnstore index was being created and the server was under memory ...
James Lester's user avatar
2 votes

SQL Server 2014, Volumes in Resource Governor

It seems reasonable to assume, per the documentation and indeed the names of the parameters themselves, that MIN_IOPS_PER_VOLUME and MAX_IOPS_PER_VOLUME control the maximum quantity of I/Os per second ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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1 vote

What properties are accessible in the resource governor classifier function?

I can't find this being documented anywhere, for some strange reason. Below is a list that I collected some years ago when I evaluated this. Remember that this function is called at connect time. ...
Tibor Karaszi's user avatar
1 vote

HA SQL AlwaysOn backup using Copy Only + Logs from secondary replica

Im actually using a similar setup with 1TB of the database. Has anyone had a similar issue and resolved it with either option, confirming viability of the option for us? Im using backup on ...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
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1 vote

What does "volume" mean in MAX_IOPS_PER_VOLUME?

A "volume" is either a drive letter, or a raw partition in SQL Server. For a resource pool configured for X maximum IOps per volume where a query uses tempdb, splitting that tempdb across multiple ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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1 vote

Workload group "Importance" vs. Resource pool IOPS throttling

Ideally we'd be able to limit these queries to 50% of available I/O capacity. Unfortunately SQL Server Resource Pool's IOPS throttling is not percentage-baed nor volume-specific. Correct. Not to ...
Sean Gallardy's user avatar
1 vote

Identify top logins\users consuming resources

Sp_who3 would provide you with useful info from users who are executing queries in real time. SELECT des.session_id , des.status , des.login_name , des.[HOST_NAME] , der.blocking_session_id , ...
S4V1N's user avatar
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