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12 votes

Can't use msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail when in service broker - executes as guest?

I need to avoid marking the database as Trustworthy. That is certainly the right attitude to have towards TRUSTWORTHY, and yes, this is possible. So why is it being executed as guest in msdb when ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
12 votes

Why the sudden increase of my database .mdf file size?

Messages will be retained in Service Broker queues until they are consumed with RECEIVE or the associated conversations ended with END CONVERSATION. Messages will also be retained in the queue after ...
Dan Guzman's user avatar
  • 28.5k
10 votes

SQL Server Service Broker vs. RabbitMQ

Can we store the queue data in a durable manner and then fetch tasks from specific queues based on business needs? (I assume yes, but just confirming.) Yes. How reliable is it for 100+ queues? ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
8 votes

SQL Server Service Broker vs. RabbitMQ

I thought I would add my 2 cents since I have been working quite a lot with both SSB as well as RabbitMQ (RMQ). First of all: I agree with most of what David says in his post.The only thing I might ...
Niels Berglund's user avatar
8 votes

Set TRUSTWORTHY On smacks down service broker from working

Within each database there exists a dbo User. This User (Database-level) always exists, but the SID (Security IDentifier) that it maps to is not always the same; it will map to whatever Login (...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
7 votes

Service Broker locks

IS it ok to use one queue and ~800000 triggers? :) I mean maybe there are some thresholds I need to consider. No. Not really. You must ensure that your triggers are always short-running or your ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
5 votes

Set TRUSTWORTHY On smacks down service broker from working

This can happen when you restore a database that was created on another server, and the database owner login account doesn't exist or has a different SID on the server you restored to. Choose a login ...
T.H.'s user avatar
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5 votes

SQL Server: Using Service Broker to parallely run several stored procedures

Per CREATE QUEUE on the Learn site; MAX_QUEUE_READERS =max_readers Specifies the maximum number of instances of the activation stored procedure that the queue starts at the same time. The value of ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
  • 70.5k
4 votes

Service Broker activation procedure in C# with external dependencies

I suggest external activation rather than SQLCLR. That will provide capabilities like log4net that aren't easily doable in SQLCLR. The trigger would begin a conversation and sends the project closure ...
Dan Guzman's user avatar
  • 28.5k
4 votes

The Service Broker endpoint is in disabled or stopped state - AoAG - SQL Server 2012 - 15 minute interval

According to this link, It’s a default behavior. The message will show when AlwaysOn availability group Listener is created and SQL Server binds the Listener’s IP dynamically. There is no ...
CaM's user avatar
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4 votes

problem with service broker in always-on

In order to have Service Broker work in combination with Availability Groups, you have to enable Service Broker for the database before adding it to an Availability Group. Your question suggests that ...
Andrew Bainbridge's user avatar
4 votes

Service Broker - Conversation Lifetime?

I know it's bad form to answer your own question, but I wanted to close this out for anyone who was interested. We finally did manage to resolve the issue, or at least resolve it enough to meet our ...
Jonathan Fite's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a service broker target for an extended event session

There looks to be a service_broker target in SQL Server 2017 but I can't find any documentation on it. This target is visible with the latest SSMS GUI and this query: SELECT * FROM sys....
Dan Guzman's user avatar
  • 28.5k
3 votes

Drop service hangs indefinitely

Unfortunately i had to go the route i didn't want to. I had to break mirroring for the database and then create a new broker using: ALTER DATABASE <db> SET NEW_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE ...
Chris Rice's user avatar
3 votes

Service Broker-Certificate Not Found

Set up a profiler trace and monitor for Security Audit/Audit Broker Conversation. Repro the issue, an event of this class should be produced. Look at the event details. It should shed light. I think ...
Remus Rusanu's user avatar
3 votes

Does a Target Service need to do anything for a conversation that is ended?

From Microsoft Docs: Both participants in a conversation must call END CONVERSATION for the conversation to complete. If only one side ends the conversation, then the conversation metadata stays ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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3 votes

How to run Sql Server stored procedure in Async mode?

The simplest way is to call sp_start_job and kick off an unscheduled SQL Agent Job. Parameter values can be stored in a table that the job reads from before calling the procedure.
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
3 votes

Correct way to continuously receive from a queue

An agent job is a good "SQL Server" way to start an infinite job. as for your code, you could simply use While 1=1 An agent job will not start another session while the existing one is ...
Trubs's user avatar
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2 votes

Launching a python script from an insert trigger

To minimize the impact of running the Python script synchronously from your trigger, you can wrap your Python code into a BaseHTTPServer: import BaseHTTPServer class MyHTTPHandler(BaseHTTPServer....
mustaccio's user avatar
  • 26.9k
2 votes

Launching a python script from an insert trigger

"insert/update/delete happens in a table and a python script is triggered within 2 seconds of the db event, First off, if you use a trigger to write a message into a table dedicated for this purpose,...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
2 votes


Yes, using ENABLE_BROKER in the RESTORE conflicts with NORECOVERY. If your database is in NORECOVERY you'll need to wait until it is recovered before you renable the broker. If you are having trouble, ...
Matthew Sontum's user avatar
2 votes

Service broker was backed up, now receiving, but doesn't seem to be processing

For the tcp endpoints, both sides, consider service acct used and connect permission --try re-granting, then new start on endpoints --> even if gui or dmv says started.
RickWillemain's user avatar
2 votes

"Stored Procedures Invoked/sec" counter always increasing

There are several different types of performance counters, five of which are used by SQL Server (at least in terms of what you will find in the sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV). You can see this ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
2 votes

Service broker not getting messages when enabled

To answer your questions : Check default trace to see when it got disabled when you altered the db with NEW_BROKER, it did more damage than you have thought of If you created any route with ...
Kin Shah's user avatar
  • 62.4k
2 votes

Adding a database with Service Broker to an existing Availability Group on a new replica

Both SET TRUSTWORTHY ON and ENABLE_BROKER are database settings. When you backup and restore a database, these settings will be included in the bak-file and can be restored on the new SQL instance. ...
Thomas Costers's user avatar
2 votes

Service Broker Error - The conversation handle is not found

You might want to try Microsoft's built-in ssbdiagnose utility. The ssbdiagnose utility reports issues in Service Broker conversations or the configuration of Service Broker services. Configuration ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
  • 18.3k
2 votes

The service broker is administratively disabled

I got it fixed after reviewing and resetting all broker related database IDs. First thing I did was to see what we have (on both source and target servers): --========================================...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
2 votes

sqlpackage.exe fails on SignalR objects

Again, the failure rate is like 1 out of every 10 runs, and no one is manually removing these objects Although no one is manually dropping these objects, it seems SqlDependency is used to detect ...
Dan Guzman's user avatar
  • 28.5k
2 votes

Correct way to continuously receive from a queue

While the answer by Trubs does answer your questions and it might work great for you, I'd say the "correct" way to continuously receive from a queue is by using Service Broker Activation, ...
kirchner's user avatar
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