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Unable to alter CDC tables

Cause This has never been supported. From the documentation (emphasis added): For CDC to function properly, you shouldn't manually modify any CDC metadata such as CDC schema, change tables, CDC ...
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transactions without a corresponding session in sql server

My guess is that they belong to internal sessions used by SQL Server engine. I have an instance on my desktop, which I just started in order to check that, and after executing that same query the ...
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Sql Server: Query to parse and validate codes

One relational way you can do this is by splitting your #SourceData first (fortunately you have access to the STRING_SPLIT() function despite being on an outdated version of SQL Server), then getting ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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Sql Server: Query to parse and validate codes

-- first thing that comes to mind: SELECT sd.ID , sd.Codes , CASE WHEN NOT EXISTS ( SELECT x.[value] FROM string_split(sd.Codes, ';') as x ...
Doug Hills's user avatar

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