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63 votes

Using column alias in a WHERE clause doesn't work

The manual clarifies here: An output column's name can be used to refer to the column's value in ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses, but not in the WHERE or HAVING clauses; there you must write out the ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
58 votes

Why does this query work?

The query is syntactically correct SQL even if table_b does not have a name column. The reason is scope resolution. When the query is parsed, it is first checked whether table_b has a name column. ...
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
17 votes

Poor performing subquery with date comparisons

With the index definition that you have for IDX_my_nme, SQL Server will be able to seek using the ActionDate column but not with the Address column. The index contains all of the columns needed to ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
  • 32.6k
13 votes

How to get all records from one table and see if they are used in another without a sub query

You can use a LEFT JOIN to get the same results. Note how the WHERE condition of the subquery was moved to the ON clause of the join: SELECT uc.UserContractId, uc.UserContractName, oc....
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
13 votes

Why is SQL Server spliting it's (JSON) response into multiple rows?

After further research, I have discovered from this StackOverflow post that SQL Server breaks FOR JSON queries into "~2kb chunks". Sql Server splits result of FOR JSON query into ~2KB chunk,...
joeldesante's user avatar
13 votes

Unused columns in WHERE clause

Both queries are ridiculously complicated. Use DELETE FROM "Foo" WHERE "CreatedAt" < current_timestamp;
Laurenz Albe's user avatar
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11 votes

Get multiple columns from a select subquery

Inspired by dezso's answer I'm solving the problem in PostgreSQL using arrays, like this: SELECT *, AS name, p.image, p.price, (...
tobi42's user avatar
  • 211
11 votes

Performance of count(*) in subquery

Do you have a reason to believe that they will perform differently? If so, why not test them on your RDBMS and with your data? In general I would say to start with the simplest query, test performance,...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
  • 32.6k
10 votes

Why does adding ROWNUM to a query improve performance?

Posting the query plan for the two versions of the query (and the exact SQL for the other version just for clarity's sake) would certainly be helpful. I would guess that doing so would prove out the ...
Justin Cave's user avatar
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10 votes

Subquery gives no error for a non-existing column with the same name as in the outer query

I run this query: select * from t1 where c1 in (select c1 from t2); The above query should give an error as c1 is not present in t2. Instead, it returns all the rows from t1. No, the query should ...
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
9 votes

user parent table id in nested subquery

MySQL forbids referencing outer-level columns deeper than one level of nesting. Your query, however, is referencing three levels deep. What you need, therefore, is to rewrite the correlated ...
Andriy M's user avatar
  • 23.1k
9 votes

How to combine ORDER BY and LIMIT with an aggregate function?

I am applying order by desc in two places ... Is there a way to avoid that? Yes. Aggregate with an ARRAY constructor in the lateral subquery directly: SELECT c.identifier, p.persons FROM ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
9 votes

ERROR: subquery must return only one column

All elements of an array must have the same type; when constructing an array with a subquery, the simplest way to enforce this is to demand that the query returns exactly one column. But you can make ...
CL.'s user avatar
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8 votes

JSON subquery using WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER returning odd data?

use json_query, SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS [Servername], json_query(( SELECT [Name], [Recovery_Model_Desc] FROM sys.databases WHERE name in ('master', 'model', 'msdb') FOR JSON PATH, ...
Roshan Vishva's user avatar
8 votes

Passing a value to a nested subquery

To my knowledge, this limitation pertains to SQL specifically in MySQL. All the other SQL products that I am aware of do not have it. There does not appear to be a solution to this problem in general:...
Andriy M's user avatar
  • 23.1k
8 votes

MYSQL Subquery in columns of select statement

in ideal situation, when = return only 1 record, both queries the same. The difference when it not true. SELECT id,email,(SELECT name From Names WHERE as name ...
a_vlad's user avatar
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8 votes

Should i use subquery to limit table before a join?

The answer to your question depends on the specific database and version you are using. In any case most current databases will optimize the query and end-up having the same execution plan for all ...
joanolo's user avatar
  • 13.5k
8 votes

Join is causing other column data to change?

The odds are that your problem is that, when you add in the snacks, you have more than one table that returns more than one row for the columns in your GROUP BY statement - probably Customer_Snacks ...
RDFozz's user avatar
  • 11.7k
8 votes

Subquery gives no error for a non-existing column with the same name as in the outer query

It is actualy not an error. You are really referencing the column from outer table. Because of this "feature" you are able to write correlated subqueries and reference the fields from outer query in ...
Loki's user avatar
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8 votes

Limit left join for multiple rows

What version of MySQL are you using? MySQL 8 supports LATERAL which you need to be able to refer to i from the derived table: SELECT i.*, si.child, si.parent_id FROM items as i LEFT JOIN LATERAL (...
Lennart - Slava Ukraini's user avatar
8 votes

Replace long GROUP BY list with a subquery

If you change the left join with dbo.Haul to a subquery, it will calculate these distinct values of ID_DestinationAddress (Stream Aggregate) and Count them (Compute scalar) directly after getting the ...
Randi Vertongen's user avatar
8 votes

Need help rewriting view to avoid using subqueries in MySQL 5.1 db

I hope the next code is clear enough SELECT q.submission_id , q.attribute_id , q.response AS is_reporting , w.response AS email FROM frm_form_attribute_data AS q JOIN ...
Kondybas's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does this query work?

Because Oracle performs a correlated subquery when a nested subquery references a column from a table referred to a parent statement one level above the subquery.
Serg's user avatar
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7 votes

conditional subquery

There are three important parts to reading query plans here, Did it run. If so, How many times? Was it correlated? Sample Data You didn't provide any sample data, so let's create some. CREATE ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.2k
7 votes

how to add loop in date column in sql through query?

You should always have a calendar table to help solve this kind of problem (and you should try to avoid thinking about anything in SQL Server as a "loop" - it is optimized to work on sets). -- this ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
7 votes

multiple insert queries after a set of with's

You need to put the INSERT INTO "name-job" into another CTE. You could also put the last insert into "name-city" into a CTE as well, and add a SELECT to get all the inserted ids (and anything else you ...
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
7 votes

Using column alias in a WHERE clause doesn't work

The answer was sort of posted in a comment but I had a similar problem and was directed here, figured I would share as an answer. Your alias should appear in the inner select, not the outer. select t....
darrahts's user avatar
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7 votes

Use NEW in FROM clause in Postgres trigger?

NEW and OLDin trigger functions are records - each only defined where applicable. (So no OLD in an INSERT trigger, for instance.) You can perform ROW operations on them. Reference nested columns with ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
7 votes

MySQL reuse select aliases

The SQL standard does not allow the reuse of the alias here. However, MySQL uses an extension to the standard that enables you to do something close, namely use a previously defined alias in a ...
Solarflare's user avatar
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