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1 vote

Why can't I restore my SQL-Server database?

I think this query here from my friend John can help you: /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ This query will generate the proper restore chain for all ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
1 vote

Migrating SQL Server databases using differential backups, NOT transaction log backups

I's say you've taken the right steps. If you can reach a point in time where no legitimate user or application can modify the databases, then you can safely take the "final backup", and use ...
Philip Kelley's user avatar
3 votes

Why can't I restore my SQL-Server database?

All that the GUI does is to create a bunch of T-SQL commands for you. The restore dialog, in particular is a very difficult beast to understand. When I teach, I can explain backup and restore ...
Tibor Karaszi's user avatar
0 votes

SQL Server VLFs marked as active despite no transactions

I was able to resolve this by the following: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'mylog') Do NOT specify a size here BACKUP LOG [database] TO DISK='NUL:' obviously, do not run the above in prod, if you do, specify ...
Data Dill's user avatar
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