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16 votes

Limit max CPU usage SQL SERVER with WSRM

Is there any reason NOT to use the approach you've defined? Absolutely. Imagine you had bought a car - a car that when you hit 50MPH the engine starts to overheat. Would your reaction to this ...
George.Palacios's user avatar
15 votes

How do I translate a Windows SID to an SQL Server server_user_sid?

SIDs in the form of 0x01020000000000052000000021020000 are not "SQL Server" SIDs. That is simply the underlying binary value of the SID. Another form it can take (and still be the same value) is the "...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
12 votes

How to disable annoying MySql update console

I may be running a more recent version of MySQL, but what I had to do to disable this was: Run the MySQL Installer (located at C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows) Click the ...
Jon Onstott's user avatar
12 votes

How to prevent asking for password when creating new database in PostgreSQL 10?

use the PGPASSWORD environment variable, @SET PGPASSWORD=something_secret psql -c "CREATE DATABASE mydb" -U postgres postgres or just use a connection string psql -c "CREATE DATABASE mydb" "user=...
Jasen's user avatar
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12 votes

Limit max CPU usage SQL SERVER with WSRM

Erik Darling mentioned the biggest practical reason for not using WSRM in a comment on your question: ...there's no reciprocal limiting of CPU use in other processes. SQL Server may not use those ...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
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11 votes

pgAdmin 4: How to establish a connection through an SSH tunnel/interface in Windows

So in this step of that PuTTY SSH tunnel tutorial: I used instead 5432 as the Source port and my.tunnel.domain:5432 as the Destination. Then in the connection details: In the Host Name I placed the ...
CPHPython's user avatar
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10 votes

issues with encoding and pg_dump/restore between windows and linux

I'm late to the party, but I think that the accepted answer doesn't tell the whole story. If you're using the syntax pg_dump ... > out.sql, then it's actually the shell that's writing the file to ...
Fr Jeremy Krieg's user avatar
9 votes

Permission denied in file trying to import

Put the file in some directory with full permission to everyone, like 'c:\tmp' OR Set read privileges to the file you want to import. I put 'Everyone' reading permission. After importing the ...
user68006's user avatar
9 votes

Why is database ownership by groups not allowed? Which user should own a database?

Honestly, sa or a disabled SQL Server account with absolutely minimum permissions is the best choice. As to why? Well, I could write out three or four paragraphs on that, or I can share my favorite ...
Laughing Vergil's user avatar
8 votes

How to make SQL Server order fields by 'Id' (which in this case is an Identity column)

Now, when you say: I need the id column to be arranged in order of increasing number because I use a data table in C# to go through these values one at a time, therefore jumping from 7 to 9 to 11 ...
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
8 votes

PostgreSQL dump and restore

Apparently the problem was the > operator. Changing that to -f to specify the file for the dump, resolved the problem (using the plain format). I was writing a Powershell script which may have ...
Josh's user avatar
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8 votes

Set TERMOUT OFF is not working when I am using sqlplus in command prompt?

12.41.61 SET TERM[OUT] {ON | OFF} Controls the display of output generated by commands in a script that is executed with @, @@ or START. OFF suppresses the display so that you can spool output ...
Balazs Papp's user avatar
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8 votes

Why is database ownership by groups not allowed? Which user should own a database?

Is there an underlying reason why databases cannot be owned by a secondary principal? I'm not 100% certain of the reason for this restriction, though I suspect it has to do with the ability to ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
8 votes

Why putting SQL Agent offline caused WSFC to fail over on passive node?

If you look in Failover Cluster Manager, if you select the role for the Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) Role, then select the "Resources" tab at the bottom you'll see that the role is ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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7 votes

Restart the active node services without failover

Use the Failover Cluster Manager application to manually stop the services. This tells the cluster you are intentionally shutting down the service, so it won't attempt to bring it back up on another ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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7 votes

How to get psql to prompt for a password with the superuser postgres?

why when I log as a normal user it asks for a password and doesn't when i log as superuser? it just doesn't seem safe at all. The small but important detail that you're missing is that nobody ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Error: Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path

Go to: Regedit => HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => Microsoft => Windows Script Host => Settings => Enabled Double Click in Enabled. Change ...
hailush's user avatar
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6 votes

pgAdmin 4: How to establish a connection through an SSH tunnel/interface in Windows

In newer version of PGAdmin4 you can configure SSH-tunnel (there is a tab for this there, but you need to use key in PEM format, not in RFC4716 that is now generated by default with ssh-keygen. Use ...
T0ha's user avatar
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6 votes

Slow connect time to postgresql on Windows 10

If PostgreSQL listen on localhost only, ensure IPv4 and IPv6 both addresses are set in postgresql.conf. listen_addresses = ',::1'.
Milo's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I prevent my Windows Server from being automatically rebooted by SQL Server updates?

To prevent SQL Server updates to be installed automatically, you need to: open up PowerShell window (Command prompt will also work) type "sconfig.cmd" and run it press 5 to select "...
Aleksey Vitsko's user avatar
6 votes

Why can't I restore a database backup from a shared folder in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

The database engine service account needs to have both filesystem permissions to read items in the folder/list contents and share permissions. You seem to be missing one, the other, or both. You can ...
Sean Gallardy's user avatar
5 votes

How to disable annoying MySql update console

This was answered here: Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative ...
Elisha's user avatar
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5 votes

In 2-node cluster using failover with Dynamic Quorum, is Witness needed?

Dynamic quorum basically dynamically adjusts votes depending on available servers. Each time when one of nodes goes down, dynamic quorum will remove the vote from that node. In your scenario you have ...
S4V1N's user avatar
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5 votes

There is already an object error after database is dropped

You’ve created a database called dbo but you’re creating the table in the current database. Try adding this before the create table statement: USE dbo; I might choose a different database name, too. ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
5 votes

Can you create a clustered DB in Azure using Windows 2003 and SQL Server 2005?

Shared Disks are currently in preview. But if you have no choice but to run old, unsupported software, you shouldn't ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
5 votes

how can resolve a cyclic redundancy check sql

Unfortunately your backup file appears to be corrupt. You could retry and see if it was a transient error or you could use another backup file. Failing that if you run the restore through TSQL you ...
Stephen Morris - Mo64's user avatar
5 votes

Install SQL Server 2016 SP2 on SP3 - Windows Updates says that?

This can happen if you install a component on the same instance, after the instance has been patched. You have an unpatched RTM component (for example: full text search) and SP3 database engine. If ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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4 votes

Run multiple MySQL instances in Windows

Easy, with MariaDB. mysql_install_db.exe --service=service_name --datadir=datadir --port=port Run this multiple times with different parameters (service_name, datadir, port should b different for ...
Vladislav Vaintroub's user avatar

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