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bernd_k's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
6 votes

Migrating from NTEXT to NVARCHAR(MAX)

28 votes

When to use NULL and when to use an empty string?

5 votes

How to move data from big table

3 votes

How do I copy a table with SELECT INTO but ignore the IDENTITY property?

27 votes

How do you document your databases?

11 votes

In Oracle how do I save a sequence.nextval in a variable to be reused in multiple inserts?

4 votes

create incremental number in oracle sql query

4 votes

Is there a concept of an "include file" in SQL Server?

0 votes

NULLs in a composite primary key - SQL Server

0 votes

Is Using Execute Immediate Bad Practice in Oracle?

37 votes

How do I copy a table with SELECT INTO but ignore the IDENTITY property?

1 vote

Oracle bitand inconsistent behaviour

8 votes

Should I use SQL JOIN or IN Clause?

4 votes

How do I create a database+tablespace+user in Oracle 11gR2?

3 votes

What are the minimum matching criteria recommended for reliable demographic based patient matching?

4 votes

Restore Database from Network Drive

3 votes

Where to put glogon.sql in 32-bit ODAC (

6 votes

Does NULL have a type?

3 votes

Cartesian Product SQL / Inserts with multiple Values Clauses

3 votes

What are the consequences of setting varchar(8000)?

3 votes

SELECT statement with an explicit list of columns and then an asterisk (*)

0 votes

What could be the reason for disallowing a sub query in the values clause?

4 votes

I get ORA-13605 when trying to run SQL Tuning Advisor from SQL Developer

4 votes

Alternatives to concatenating strings or going procedural to prevent SQL query code repetition?

2 votes

Should SQL full text search match the value test2 when searching for test?

6 votes

MAX for each subset

1 vote

How to convert a Top 1 subquery using outer table alias to Oracle?

2 votes

How can I fix the Oracle syntax of this update by the result of a select in Oracle 10g?

2 votes

How do long columns impact performance and disk usage?

5 votes

Multidimensional indices in databases