I am an adult student getting started on my second career and second bachelors degree. I have always had a passion for technology. I started a, now defunct, software company that made software for dental offices. It was called Axex Dental and you can still see the video promos on youtube. I successfully lead a team of programers to complete the project but didn't know how to code myself having had a background in graphic design and communications. I have now gone back to school to get a degree in Software Engineering at Massey University in New Zealand. I enjoy coding even when I am not in school. I am a nerd, what can I say?
I have now completed a SciFi book called Fallow Word. It is the first part in a trilogy about humanity's first interstellar misadventures. I love to communicate via stories. I also speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Creating
- Art
- Speaking in Public
- Reading
- Writing (Working on publishing my first novel)
- Teaching
- Leading
- Boardgames
- Large crowds
- "It can't be done" attitude
- Being the enforcer boss
- Selling stuff (or myself)