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miracle173's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Austria
75 votes

How to make sqlplus output appear in one line?

14 votes

Convert a Unix timestamp to a DATETIME in a View

13 votes

Can I combine the results from multiple columns into a single column without UNION?

11 votes

How to tune the query on all_constraints in Oracle 12c?

10 votes

Why isn't oracle using an index for distinct query ?

7 votes

Query to get ORACLE_HOME path in Oracle 11G

6 votes

How to handle big data update based on excel spreadsheet

6 votes

Oracle SQL Developer 4: how to tell under which user I connected

6 votes

DISTINCT not using an index

6 votes

Why are some aggregates treated differently in the RHS of a rule in the model clause?

6 votes

Update year alone in date (Oracle 11g)

6 votes

I have a powerful machine with 70 GB RAM. How many Oracle instances with 20 GB can be created?

6 votes

Database Design (Stores + Products)

6 votes

Is there a shortcut for 'SELECT * FROM table' in relational algebra?

5 votes

mysql query only works when value is compared with primary key

5 votes

Why the term "relation(al)"?

5 votes

Primary key in resulting relation from union operation in relational algebra

5 votes

Are three equalities on a join operation legal in relational algebra?

5 votes

Materialized view became INVALID and USER_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE becomes 'NEEDS_COMPILE'

5 votes

ORA-01031 while creating a view as DBA

5 votes

Database Design - One table from many source(One to One)

5 votes

Oracle optional select value

5 votes

How to reference a table from another schema inside a package?

5 votes

Why MAX() of SUM() giving wrong output?

5 votes

Configuring sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora on the client side

5 votes

How to use sqlplus to connect to an Oracle Database located on another host without modifying my own tnsnames.ora

5 votes

Oracle: How can I track the progress of an index rebuild?

5 votes

Why would I need a third table in a one-to-many relationship?

5 votes

ORA-03113 when starting up an Oracle 11g database

4 votes

Oracle data dictionary, tell built-in roles apart from custom roles

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