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Andrew Sayer's user avatar
Andrew Sayer
  • Member for 4 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Insert query in Orcale database - not showing the row in a table

1 vote

Is DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT just needed when in the same machine?

1 vote

AD login in SQL can access all the databases

1 vote

Quering millions of rows is still slow with index and a materialized view

1 vote

How can I achieve predicate pushdown in my view

1 vote

adding the right index to a table in a MySQL Database

1 vote

Oracle Update Left Join

1 vote

insert on table being unnaturally slow

1 vote

Oracle SELECT FOR UPDATE on a single row with ORDER BY: ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc

1 vote

Wrapping fast query into a subquery with count(*) makes it extremely slow

1 vote

Intended use case for virtual columns with function-based index?

1 vote

Optimal procedure for partitioning with auto-increment PK as boundary value

1 vote

How to optimize table for arbitrary user-made queries?

1 vote

Query with EXISTS-subquery taking about 280 ms in 80 % of cases, and less than 1 ms in 20 % of cases

1 vote

Could MySQL perform better on a 10GB network storage with raid vs local HDD?

1 vote

Rotate passwords with zero down time

0 votes

SQL Syntax Error when using Group by conditional expression

0 votes

Should I be using a non-clustered primary key on multiple columns?

0 votes

Is it possible to create/update a dev version of production SQL server using disk move?

0 votes

Access Oracle Database remotely via DBeaver

0 votes

I tried to optimize my PG. The results are decent. Did I do wrong somewhere? Can I do better?

0 votes

Oracle Edition-based redefinition(EBR) use case

0 votes

Why is to_char used when doing a divide by 0 in Oracle based SQLi?

0 votes

Different performance of SQL Server instances on same server

0 votes

Why is an oracle query executed multiple times?

0 votes

Oracle Execution Plan - Outline Question

0 votes

How to fetch latest rows from oracle db

0 votes

Get nested procedure and sql execution oracle

0 votes

Optimal Indexing Strategy

0 votes

How to not include the query in sqlcmd output file