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efesar's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
9 votes

How do I determine if a column is defined as a serial data type instead of an integer based off the catalog?

7 votes

could not save history to file "/var/lib/postgresql/.psql_history": No such file or directory

6 votes

How can I speed up a Postgres query containing lots of Joins with an ILIKE condition

6 votes

select and count based on a condition

6 votes

What are the valid formats of a PostgreSQL schema name?

6 votes

SQL Server 2012 Managment Studio not saving auto recovery files

5 votes

How to make SSMS upper case keywords

4 votes

PGAdmin3 connection with non standard SSH port and SSH tunnel

4 votes

Monitoring sql server

2 votes

Why does SQlite return incorrect sum?

2 votes

Problem translating MySQL to PostgreSQL

2 votes

SQL Server: Additional cpus slow down batch

2 votes

Where to store versioned/historized records?

1 vote

Returning a True or False from an IIF statement

1 vote

SQL Server 2008 R2 Ent trial expired move to express?

1 vote

Get old database off external hard drive

1 vote

Help with Postgres 9.1 data import (is 4x expected data size, 4x slower than MySQL, and index still needed)

1 vote

migration sql 2003 to 2008, Sql side and php side

1 vote

How do I solidify my SQL Server / T-SQL Knowledge?

0 votes

How to create a blank version of a PostgreSQL database

0 votes

Only do log backup if necessary in SQL Server

0 votes

Managing SQL Server 2008 R2 transaction logs when using principal/mirror databases

0 votes

Drop database owned by specific user in PostgreSQL

0 votes

Show clients with staff assigned and no staff assigned

0 votes

TOAST Table Growth Out of Control - FULLVAC Does Nothing

0 votes

Best high availability solution to avoid maintenance downtime?

-2 votes

Query planner thinks doing a sequential scan on a very large table is faster than using an index?