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HLGEM's user avatar
HLGEM's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
  • Virginia, United States
20 votes

Why are constraints applied in the database rather than the code?

14 votes

Common Table Expression (CTE) benefits?

11 votes

Is a surrogate key better than a natural key in this case

11 votes

EF Code First uses nvarchar(max) for all strings. Will this hurt query performance?

9 votes

How could DBAs be more 'programmer friendly'?

9 votes

How can I identify when to create a new table to hold data that can be obtained from a query?

8 votes

Is my ER Diagram correct? Why use relationships?

8 votes

Does the compatibility level for sql server work reliably for scripts?

8 votes

Can you give me one example of Business Intelligence?

7 votes

How to handle huge table

7 votes

Column name naming conventions and best practices

6 votes

Database suggestion for a social network/ knowledge base community?

6 votes

What are Objective Business Reasons to Prefer SQL Server 2012 over 2008 R2?

6 votes

How does shrinking a SQL Server log file affect performance?

6 votes

Is it critical for a database to have a relationship table/diagram or not?

6 votes

Potential risks of users connecting to SQL Server, through Excel, as sysadmin?

6 votes

Good reason to denormalize?

6 votes

Is it worth to separate columns into multiple tables for one-to-one relational table

6 votes

Foreign keys - link using surrogate or natural key?

5 votes

How to avoid using the IN clause in sql query used in a stored procedure

5 votes

SSIS ETL Question/Option

5 votes

What should every DBA know?

5 votes

Is it safe to change the name of a database?

5 votes

Performance degradation while updating tables having 10s of millions of records

4 votes

Convert varchar column to datetime

4 votes

Is there a reason/benefit I am not aware of for this kind setup?

4 votes

migrating from SQL server 2005 to 2008

4 votes

Database growing like crazy - what do I do?

4 votes

Should you ever not assign an unique ID to each row in a table?

4 votes

Proper use of NULL, and utilizing CHECK constraints for business logic vs stored procedures