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Shaneis's user avatar
Shaneis's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
60 votes

Test if a string is a palindrome using T-SQL

31 votes

What's the difference between WITH CTE & WITH CTE (<column_names>)?

15 votes

Using WITH and IF in the same query

6 votes

Create a "INTO" table with primary key

6 votes

How to replace column if not null in select statement?

5 votes

Separate letters from digits in alphanumeric string

5 votes

Is there a T-SQL equivalent for punctuation as [0-9] is for numbers and [a-z] is for letters?

4 votes

What is missing in my trigger?

3 votes

Help me about syntax STUFF (SELECT... for XML PATH)

2 votes

dbatools, DbcCheck LastBackup

1 vote

Powershell dbatools combining result of multiple Get-dbaxxx commands to generate a report

1 vote

MySQL syntax for order by not accepted in SQL Server

1 vote

Query: How to join on different tables depending on the filled column?

1 vote

SQL Server Select in XML field

1 vote

Limiting rows from a joined table

1 vote

String Function to Get Left 1000, But Only To Last Period or Carriage Return

1 vote

Exclude rows from SELECT