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Nawaz Sohail's user avatar
Nawaz Sohail's user avatar
Nawaz Sohail
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Pakistan
15 votes

How can I make MySQL client read password from mylogin.cnf?

11 votes

How to allow remote connections to mysql from specific IPs only?

8 votes

Is there a Portable MySQL

4 votes

All My Databases Are Gone?

4 votes

Calculate row size and max row size for a table

3 votes

Issue with MySQL server start (install)

2 votes

Difference between SCHEMA and STRUCTURE?

2 votes

Mysql Adding date/time stamp to file produced, or other method of automated file naming to keep resulting files unique

2 votes

autoincrement column issue in MYSQL

2 votes

set global variable parameter?

2 votes

Master/Slave desyncronisation

2 votes

is there some way to give me the order in which inserts should be made so all FK constraint are met?

2 votes

Creating a MySQL db from an Informix database

2 votes

When try to do Mysqldump Backup from console then getting such as error

2 votes

MySQL slave replication permission error

1 vote

Mysql Create table shows ERROR 1005 errno 150

1 vote

MySQL - How to see the queries executing by slave io thread

1 vote

Mysql query performance

1 vote

Lock Master Log Position in Master-Master replication

1 vote

Copy database from one mysql sever to another mysql server

1 vote

Meaning of 'show variables LIKE '%_database'

1 vote

Cannot Add Foreign Key Constraint

1 vote

Most used tables in MySQL database server

1 vote

Shell script for partial table backup

1 vote

How to synchronize two MySql tables using command line

1 vote

mysql master slave replication scenario

1 vote

EC2 and setting up MYSQL Replication

1 vote

Simple trigger to update two columns in one table

1 vote

mysql: unknown variable 'table_definition_cache=400'

1 vote

Event to update a column won't run