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Joe's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
77 votes

Can't rename columns in PostgreSQL views with CREATE OR REPLACE

32 votes

How can I move a database from one server to another?

16 votes

What are the main causes of deadlocks and can they be prevented?

16 votes

What is the difference between MySQL VARCHAR and TEXT data types?

15 votes

How can I query names using regular expressions?

14 votes

What is your workflow for planning a data migration?

13 votes

Is it better to store images in a BLOB or just the URL?

12 votes

MySQL data type for 128 bit integers

12 votes

The Value of Certifications

12 votes

Storing vs calculating aggregate values

12 votes

How do I find PostgreSQL's data directory?

11 votes

Security for Application Developers doing PL/SQL work in Oracle

11 votes

Emulate REGEXP like behaviour in DB2 SQL

10 votes

What problems will I get creating a database per customer?

10 votes

Software Engineers and DBAs

10 votes

How do convert a 66,862,521 row table from MyISAM to InnoDB without going offline for several hours?

10 votes

Securing DB passwords

9 votes

Should you design the database before the application code is written?

7 votes

Where should one put indexes in a time dimension table?

6 votes

different login credentials based on user

6 votes

Is where x = 0 or x is null to be replaced by where isnull(x, 0) = 0 resp. where NVL(x, 0) = 0

6 votes

A database for digital assets

5 votes

Proper technique for storing users event data

5 votes

What should I ask at a MySQL DBA interview?

5 votes

What is the recommended RAID configuration for an Oracle database?

5 votes

What is the difference between terminating an Oracle sql statement with semicolon or with a slash on the next line?

4 votes

Why is OS authentication considered poor security for Oracle databases?

4 votes

How can I SELECT an 'entry' that spans adjacent months?

4 votes

Can you "su -" in MySQL?

4 votes

Are there any database engines which will intuit the join condition based on the existing foreign keys?