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ErikE's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Seattle, Washington, United States
37 votes

Is adding the ‘tbl’ prefix to table names really a problem?

19 votes

Why are queries parsed in such a way that disallows the use of column aliases in most clauses?

14 votes

Should you design the database before the application code is written?

8 votes

Does SQL Server read all of a COALESCE function even if the first argument is not NULL?

8 votes

Is it possible in a view to reference a linked server implicitly rather than explicitly?

7 votes

Inventory database structure when inventory items have varying attributes

7 votes

Form groups of consecutive rows with same value

6 votes

Is it a good idea to use Synonyms to avoid creating a duplicate table?

6 votes

Sql Server fails to use index on simple bijection

5 votes

Understanding datetime formats in SQL Server

5 votes

Table view created with triggers, someone please explain why?

4 votes

Interpreting an execution plan

4 votes

how do I model this in database?

4 votes

Easily show rows that are different between two tables or queries

4 votes

How to improve performance if index is not Most SELECTIVE?

4 votes

Merging two selects then sort by and remove duplicates

4 votes

What is the best practice for selecting from two tables with multiple relations?

3 votes

Quick way to validate two tables against each other

3 votes

query optimization: time intervals

3 votes

Checking a wide table for nulls

3 votes

Why evaluates "IS NULL" in SSMS interactive mode to "TRUE" but the same statement being executed in a SP to "FALSE"?

3 votes

How do I model data from arbitrary CSV's in a database?

2 votes

Express union which is dependent on other results

2 votes

Remove nulls from TSQL connection string

2 votes

How to find out what is causing my Identity column to keep going up

2 votes

What will happen when a forum uses 24 char length as an URL ID?

2 votes

Tables with hierarchy: create a constraint to prevent circularity through foreign keys

2 votes

sp_executesql adds statements to executed dynamic script?

2 votes

Why are queries parsed in such a way that disallows the use of column aliases in most clauses?

1 vote

changing a range into discrete values for a field in oracle