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kgrittn's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
50 votes

Locking issue with concurrent DELETE / INSERT in PostgreSQL

32 votes

Is the CPU performance relevant for a database server?

25 votes

Why is there a PostgreSQL Turtle?

18 votes

Set a column's default value to the concatenation of two other columns' values?

14 votes

Altering table schema takes too much time

13 votes

PostgreSQL 9.1 Hot Backup Error: the database system is starting up

10 votes

Performance degradation while updating tables having 10s of millions of records

9 votes

PostgreSQL procedural languages - differences between PL/pgSQL and SQL

8 votes

Concurrency with Select-conditional Insert/Update/Delete - PostgreSQL

7 votes

Dropping indexes doesn't seem to release space to the OS. Can it?

6 votes

Problem with permissions for user

6 votes

PostgreSQL PITR restore

6 votes

How to optimization database for heavy I/O from updates (software and hardware)

5 votes

Trouble recovering data from corrupted PostgreSQL tables

5 votes

how to query for rows by specifying the range of row numbers in postgresql

5 votes

Optimizing ORDER BY in a full text search query

5 votes

Why is pg_dumpall throwing an "OID does not exist'' error?

5 votes

Optimizing ORDER BY in a full text search query

4 votes

Created user can access all databases in PostgreSQL without any grants

4 votes

Syncing two (or more) PostgreSQL 9.1 clusters

4 votes

Tune postgres 9.1 to speedup deletes

3 votes

Recover from Postgres FATAL: could not open file pg_tblspc/

3 votes

How can I write a proper query to JOIN all of these tables without duplicates?

3 votes

Improve sort performance in PostgreSQL?

2 votes

Postgresql - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

1 vote

Postgres table size doubles are transaction completes

1 vote

pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.11) in file header postgresql

1 vote

Partial vacuum and whole table vacuum

0 votes

Postgresql 9.6 best settings for large admin work (min_wal and max_wal)