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Forrest's user avatar
Forrest's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
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6 votes

deadlock with repeatable read isolation level

13 votes

Cardinality estimate outside the histogram

34 votes

How to add 1 milliseconds to a datetime string?

5 votes

why it is doing index seek

10 votes

Does STATISTICS IO output include Version Store reads?

10 votes

Converted a Scalar function to a TVF function for parallel execution-Still running in Serial mode

4 votes

How can you have a Buffer cache hit ratio of 100% with PLE of 103?

6 votes

Collect SQL Server Query Execution time in seconds

1 vote

Disable a bad SQL Server Query Plan vs. Force a good plan

5 votes

What is the impact on the Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) when implementing ISCSI SAN solid-state drives

3 votes

Excessive memory grants from indexed foreign key cascade delete

8 votes

Unbelievably slow and unusable Query Store

5 votes

Never ending Query Store search

9 votes

Updating Statistics: Estimated Number of Rows not equal to Actual for Index Scan. Why?

4 votes

Partitioning and Performance of DB Table

3 votes

Columnstore index for Key/Value Pair table on SQL Server

7 votes

Same query hash for totally different queries

10 votes

Sort spills to tempdb due to varchar(max)

8 votes

Why would a Clustered Index Seek return a higher "Actual Number of Rows" than there are rows in the underlying table?

5 votes

Parameter sniffing = On with Parameterization = forced. Which takes precedence?

9 votes

Why would optimiser choose Clustered Index + Sort instead of Non-Clustered Index?

1 vote

Really Small details about storage ( data size ) on columns

2 votes

leaf_allocation_count in dm_db_index_operational_stats not changing on insert bulk

9 votes

REORGANIZE INDEX blocks other queries

2 votes

sp_spaceused reveals 0 rows but 72 KB of reserved space

5 votes

Forced serialization on inline table valued function

3 votes

SQL job ignoring IF condition

6 votes

How to query against exact values in XML column set

10 votes

Group together similar queries in sys.dm_exec_sql_text

2 votes

Does large VARCHAR take up more room in the transaction log