(Table definition and insert statement from a project working on OpenStreetMap data imported with osm2pgsql
DROP TABLE if exists osmaxx.building_a;
CREATE TABLE osmaxx.building_a (
osm_id bigint,
lastchange timestamp without time zone,
geomtype char(1),
geom geometry(MULTIPOLYGON, 4326),
type text,
name text,
name_en text,
name_fr text,
name_es text,
name_de text,
int_name text,
label text,
tags text,
height float
INSERT INTO osmaxx.building_a
SELECT osm_id as osm_id,
osm_timestamp as lastchange ,
WHEN osm_id<0 THEN 'R' -- R=Relation
ELSE 'W' -- W=Way
END AS geomtype,
ST_Multi(way) AS geom,
building as type,
name as name,
"name:en" as name_en,
"name:fr" as name_fr,
"name:es" as name_es,
"name:de" as name_de,
int_name as name_int,
when name is not null AND name = osml10n_translit(name) then name
when "name:en" is not null then "name:en"
when "name:fr" is not null then "name:fr"
when "name:es" is not null then "name:es"
when "name:de" is not null then "name:de"
when int_name is not null then osml10n_translit(int_name)
when name is not null then osml10n_translit(name)
else NULL
end as label,
cast(tags as text) as tags,
cast_to_float_null_if_failed(height) as height
FROM osm_polygon
WHERE building is not null;
When analyzing this bug it would have been really useful to know the osm_id
of to-be-inserted rows that could not be inserted due to
Geometry type (MultiLineString) does not match column type (MultiPolygon)