I need to write a stored procedure to receive 4 numbers and insert them into a table. This is what I've developed so far:
@1 Int = 10,
@2 Int = 20,
@3 Int = 30,
@4 Int = 40
Create table #Temp(Num int)
Declare @I char(1) = 1
While (@I <= 4)
Insert Into #Temp
Select @I
SET @I +=1
Select * from #Temp
Drop table #Temp
I know that I can directly and statically insert the inputs into the table but I just want to know is there any better way to do that? I wanted to use a while
statement but the problem is the numbers for (I) variable are being inserted into the table!! I mean the output is 1,2,3,4; what I want is 10,20,30,40.