The direct answer to your question is Yes, but it depends on the version of MySQL you are running. Before MySQL 5.5, replication would operate as follows:
- Master Executes SQL
- Master Records SQL Event in its Binary Logs
- Slave Reads SQL Event from Master Binary Logs
- Slave Stores SQL Event in its Relay Logs via I/O Thread
- Slave Reads Next SQL Event From Relay Log via SQL Thread
- Slave Executes SQL
- Slave Acknowledges Master of the Complete Execution of the SQL Event
As of MySQL 5.5, using Semisynchronous Replication, now replication would operate as follows:
- Master Executes SQL
- Master Records SQL Event in its Binary Logs
- Slave Reads SQL Event from Master Binary Logs
- Slave Acknowledges Master of the Receipt of the SQL Event
- Slave Stores SQL Event in its Relay Logs via I/O Thread
- Slave Reads Next SQL Event From Relay Log via SQL Thread
- Slave Executes SQL
- Slave Acknowledges Master of the Complete Execution of the SQL Event
This new paradigm will permit a Slave to be closer sync'd to its Master.
Notwithstanding, latency within the network could hamper MySQL Semisync Replication to the point where it reverts back to the old-style asynchronous replication. Why ? If a timeout occurs without any slave having acknowledged the transaction, the master reverts to asynchronous replication. When at least one semisynchronous slave catches up, the master returns to semisynchronous replication.
UPDATE 2011-08-08 14:22 EDT
The configuration of MySQL 5.5 Semisynchronous Replication is straightforward
Step 1) Add these four(4) lines to /etc/my.cnf
Step 2) Restart MySQL
service mysql restart
Step 3) Run these commands in the MySQL client
INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_master SONAME '';
INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_slave SONAME '';
Step 4) Uncomment the three rpm_semi_sync options after the plugin-dir option
Step 5) Restart MySQL
service mysql restart
All Done !!! Now just setup MySQL Replication as usual.