I have an obstinate spid that I cannot kill and it is preventing the transaction log of my tempdb to get truncated
this is how I found this rogue spid:
if object_id('tempdb..#OpenTranStatus','U') is not null
drop table #OpenTranStatus
CREATE TABLE #OpenTranStatus (
ActiveTransaction varchar(25),
Details sql_variant
-- Execute the command, putting the results in the table.
INSERT INTO #OpenTranStatus
EXEC ('DBCC OPENTRAN (sqlwatch) with tableresults')
SELECT * FROM #OpenTranStatus
this is the query it is running (or holding on to):
select d.database_id , sd.sqlwatch_database_id, sd.sql_instance
into #d
from dbo.vw_sqlwatch_sys_databases d
inner join [dbo].[sqlwatch_meta_database] sd
on sd.[database_name] = d.[name] collate database_default
and sd.[database_create_date] = case when d.name = 'tempdb' then '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' else d.[create_date] end
and sd.sql_instance = @sql_instance
left join [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_exclude_database] ed
on d.[name] like ed.database_name_pattern collate database_default
and ed.snapshot_type_id = @snapshot_type_id
where ed.snapshot_type_id is null
option (keep plan)
it has been running for over 60 hours:
It has already been killed.
so the things I have tried doing:
alter database sqlwatch set single_user with rollback immediate
but it did not work
kill 54 with statusonly
SPID 54: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: 0%. Estimated time remaining: 0 seconds.
how can I stop spid54?