For SQL Server I'm using extended properties.
With the following PowerShell Script I can generate a Create Table scripts for single table or for all tables in the dbo schema.
The script contains a Create table
command, primary keys and indexes. Foreign keys are added as comments.
The extended properties of tables and table columns are added as comments. Yes multi line properties are supported.
The script is tuned to my personal coding style.
Here is the complete code to turn the extended properties into a good plain old ASCII document (BTW it is valid sql to recreate your tables):
function Get-ScriptForTable
param (
[System.reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo") | out-null
$conn = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection"
$conn.ServerInstance = $server
$conn.LoginSecure = $false
$conn.Login = $user
$conn.Password = $password
$conn.ConnectAsUser = $false
$srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $conn
$Scripter = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter")
#$Scripter.Options.DriAll = $false
$Scripter.Options.NoCollation = $True
$Scripter.Options.NoFileGroup = $true
$scripter.Options.DriAll = $True
$Scripter.Options.IncludeIfNotExists = $False
$Scripter.Options.ExtendedProperties = $false
$Scripter.Server = $srv
$database = $srv.databases[$dbname]
$obj = $database.tables
$cnt = 1
$obj | % {
if (! $filter -or $_.Name -match $filter)
$lines = @()
$header = "---------- {0, 3} {1, -30} ----------" -f $cnt, $_.Name
Write-Host $header
"/* ----------------- {0, 3} {1, -30} -----------------" -f $cnt, $_.Name
foreach( $i in $_.ExtendedProperties)
"{0}: {1}" -f $i.Name, $i.value
$colinfo = @{}
foreach( $i in $_.columns)
$info = ""
foreach ($ep in $i.ExtendedProperties)
if ($ep.value -match "`n")
"----- Column: {0} {1} -----" -f $, $
$info += "{0}:{1} " -f $, $ep.value
if ($info)
$colinfo[$] = $info
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0}" -f $_.Name
"SELECT * FROM {0} ORDER BY 1" -f $_.Name
"--------------------- {0, 3} {1, -30} ----------------- */" -f $cnt, $_.Name
$raw = $Scripter.Script($_)
#Write-host $raw
$cont = 0
$skip = $false
foreach ($line in $raw -split "\r\n")
if ($cont -gt 0)
if ($line -match "^\)WITH ")
$line = ")"
$linebuf += ' ' + $line -replace " ASC", ""
if ($cont -gt 0) { continue }
elseif ($line -match "^ CONSTRAINT ")
$cont = 3
$linebuf = $line
elseif ($line -match "^UNIQUE ")
$cont = 3
$linebuf = $line
$skip = $true
elseif ($line -match "^ALTER TABLE.*WITH CHECK ")
$cont = 1
$linebuf = "-- " + $line
elseif ($line -match "^ALTER TABLE.* CHECK ")
$linebuf = $line
if ($linebuf -notmatch "^SET ")
if ($linebuf -match "^\)WITH ")
$lines += ")"
elseif ($skip)
$skip = $false
elseif ($linebuf -notmatch "^\s*$")
$linebuf = $linebuf -replace "\]|\[", ""
$comment = $colinfo[($linebuf.Trim() -split " ")[0]]
if ($comment) { $comment = ' -- ' + $comment }
$lines += $linebuf + $comment
$lines += "go"
$lines += ""
$block = $lines -join "`r`n"
$used = $false
foreach( $i in $_.Indexes)
$out = ''
$raw = $Scripter.Script($i)
#Write-host $raw
foreach ($line in $raw -split "\r\n")
if ($line -match "^\)WITH ")
$out += ")"
elseif ($line -match "^ALTER TABLE.* PRIMARY KEY")
elseif ($line -match "^ALTER TABLE.* ADD UNIQUE")
$out += $line -replace "\]|\[", "" -replace " NONCLUSTERED", ""
elseif ($line -notmatch "^\s*$")
$out += $line -replace "\]|\[", "" -replace "^\s*", "" `
-replace " ASC,", ", " -replace " ASC$", "" `
<#-replace "\bdbo\.\b", "" #> `
-replace " NONCLUSTERED", ""
$used = $true
$block = "$out;`r`ngo`r`n"
if ($used)
You can either script thecomplete dbo schema of a given database
Get-ScriptForTable 'localhost' 'MyDB' 'sa' 'toipsecret' | Out-File "C:\temp\Create_commented_tables.sql"
Or filter for a single table
Get-ScriptForTable 'localhost' 'MyDB' 'sa' 'toipsecret' 'OnlyThisTable'