I'm trying to design a database that contains, among others, entities "Photo", "Venues" and "Products". Given both Venues and Products could contain a collection of photos... how could I tell whether the photo is from a Venue or a product?

    Id PK
    Venue_Id FK
    Product_Id FK

    ID PK
    Photos_Id FK

    ID PK
    Photos_Id Fk
  • Wait, in the table Venues and Products there is 1 FK Photos_Id, Does it come from Photos table? You want to know if photo if from a Venue or a Product? Can you alter those tables? Maybe if you provide us more information we can build you a better design.
    – oNare
    Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 3:40
  • Is there a name for some superclass that includes both venues and products as subclasses? There is a tag called subtypes that group together questions of that ilk. Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


There is likely something wrong with your model. Mutual dependencies are very rare in relational database designs. This is what I assume you want to do:

create table photos
( photo_id ... not null primary key
, <additional attributes> );

create table venues
( venue_id ... not null primary key
, photo_id ... not null
      references photos (photo_id) 
, <additional attributes> );

create table products
( product_id ... not null primary key
, photo_id ... not null
      references photos (photo_id) 
, <additional attributes> );

To determine whether a photo belongs to a venue, product or both you could do something like:

select x.photo_id
     , case when y.photo_id is not null then 'Venue' end
     , case when z.photo_id is not null then 'Product' end
from photos x
left join venues y
    on x.photo_id = y.photo_id
left join products z
    on x.photo_id = z.photo_id

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