Even more solutions / points to consider
In addition to the suggestions offered by fellow members of the community, I would like to also give you some further points for consideration, which are a number of important learning points that I have picked up over the years while working on similar projects that may have had very similar pitfalls or complexities to battle against!
Your initial database that features barcodes and contains all of the databases and spreadsheets, could be described as a Repository of information assets, described briefly using systematic metadata which would be a detailed list of the indices that follow prescribed systematic procedures using look-up files to complete a 13 digit unique number which would be translated by a computer using a barcode.
Information assets would include all sorts of electronic files, e.g. it could be a list of three live databases, or a log of quarter 3 project working documents, perhaps even individually labelled project files and all other electronic instances of data sets that should all be tagged and registered as information assets.
Every single entry should be systematically registered using the appopriate reference lists to describe the details of owner, purpose, type, system, risk, planned disposal data and other similar datasets that would be related or associated.
Updates or revised data sets would continue to be developed and coded identically with all other sets of the same source, however version control procedures would be followed to maintain accurate logs as described in the document storage policy and procedures manual.
A new information asset or registration of data set could be registered once it has been created or obtained, by identifying a barcode to describe the content/owner/subject/details of the dataset as the 13 digit code would be broken down to show how every code represents a set of referenced lists of variables that would be described as the metadata fields within the overall data.
A library of various national releases of datasets are referenced as collections of data or statutory collections with hyperlinks to the actual source. It is standard practice not to recreate copies of the same data unless edited, which should then be appropriately labelled to reflect new version that describes any related documents or reports that were produced based on edited datasets.
The languages used to maintain directories, indices, version controls and catalogues of many different datasets or electronic reports would resemble the architecture of the Intranet which uses HTML and CSS with additional features using javascript and php to provide dynamic web pages that would all be managed by a systems administrator, however the engine would be a complex network of various Microsoft SQL server, MySQL and VisualBasic based software applications being connected in ways that ensure full connectivity between systems should there be a significant loss of power, with added support of suppliers who may have control over certain functions of deployed systems. This is typical of a large organisation operating across many different platforms with multiple software suites not designed to be connected in any way that modern technology provides simple codes to achieve even across different environments.
I have also developed a completely different index of electronic files based on the XML schema to process large data files and register specific metadata entries on a central repository. However, every database was then restructured to follow the XML schema that then allowed every entry to be used as the underlying raw data that would be securely hosted on an intranet that would be easily retrieved by MySQL stored procedures and functions based on triggers that ran scripts based on various different sets of rules.
I've seen some brand new programs that are based on versions of php that were introduced for very specialised projects, including all of the types of projects you've mentioned, so without taking up any more of your time, let me leave you with a link to a website that probably gives you a whole suite of codes and functions that may deliver what you no longer need to create from scratch, with the added supporting documentation that is easy to understand yet very detailed indeed.
DOCTRINE (php) and Yama Schema
Perhaps, you would be interested to know about the Doctrine/Yama solution that is designed to handle complexity with simple classes, trees, labels and functions to make it fairly simple to see sensible models be easily built without much of the hard work you might need to put in to setting up and securing other systems.