The Story: Once a week, we run a special Maintenance Plan that involves re-indexing 2 critical tables that have ~6 Million records between the two of them. We use SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.
The Issue: During this re-indexing (~15 min operation), we fail to insert data into the tables, and our clients are dataless.
I was told that SQL Server 2008 Enterprise has a "Online Re-Indexing" that is not present in lesser versions of SQL Server that will resolve our problems.
However, I just found the following option in our Maintenance Plan options (SQL 2005 Standard):
My Question: Does this perform that same "Online Re-Indexing" that 2008 Enterprise does? What are the repercussions (performance wise) to enabling this option? Was I almost wooed into purchasing a 2008 Enterprise license needlessly?