I am new to postgres,
I have a 20 million row table that is on a live server - I need to remove most of the rows but not all. I want to do this without impact to other read/write processes accessing this table (very frequently).
I have a way to delete in about 100-400K row chunks at a time. Between each delete, I want to make the query sleep - so that other operations can get a chance to access this table.
I have the code, but I believe in this version, it locks the table the entire time the query runs (with all the sleeps). How can I actually release the table while the process sleeps? Thank you!!
My code so far:
CREATE SEQUENCE tmp_sq increment by 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 53 start with 1;
DO $$
w_counter integer;
w_counter := (SELECT nextval('tmp_sq'));
while w_counter < 53 loop
raise notice 'Value: %', w_counter ;
w_counter := (SELECT nextval('tmp_sq'));
-- this way of breaking up the delete into chunks works for my table because of dates.
delete from table_a where date_part('week',my_date) = w_counter;
raise notice ' Rows Were Deleted ';
raise notice 'Sleeping Now.....';
perform pg_sleep(60);
end loop;
END $$;