I have a table of about 3.25M rows with the follow format in Postgres 9.4.1
id serial NOT NULL,
type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"references" jsonb NOT NULL,
path jsonb,
data jsonb,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
The type
is a simple string no longer than 50 characters.
The references
column is an object with an list of key values. Basically any list of simple key values, and only ever 1 level deep, the values are always strings. It could be
"fruit": "plum"
"car": "toyota"
or it could be
"project": "2532"
The createdAt
timestamp is not always generated from the database (but it will by default if a value isn't supplied)
I'm currently using the table with only testing data. In this data every row has a project
key as a reference. So there are 3.25M rows with a project key. There are exactly 400,000 distinct values for the project
reference. There are only 5 distinct values for the type
field, this would probably be no more than a few hundred in production.
So I'm trying to index the table to perform the following query quickly:
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (MAX("createdAt") - MIN("createdAt")))
stats."references"::jsonb ? 'project' AND
stats."type" = 'event1' OR
stats."type" = 'event2' AND
stats."createdAt" > '2015-11-02T00:00:00+08:00' AND
stats."createdAt" < '2015-12-03T23:59:59+08:00'
GROUP BY stats."references"::jsonb->> 'project'
The query returns the time distance between two events based on two stats rows that have the same reference. In this case project
. There is only ever 1 row for each type
and selected reference
value, but there may also be no rows in which case the result returned is 0 (this is averaged out later in a different part of a larger query).
I've created an index on the createdAt
and references
columns but the query execution plan appears to be doing a full scan instead.
The index
CREATE INDEX "stats_createdAt_references_type_idx"
ON stats
USING btree
("createdAt", "references", type COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
Execution plan:
HashAggregate (cost=111188.31..111188.33 rows=1 width=38)
(actual time=714.499..714.499 rows=0 loops=1)
Group Key: ("references" ->> 'project'::text)
-> Seq Scan on stats (cost=0.00..111188.30 rows=1 width=38)
(actual time=714.498..714.498 rows=0 loops=1)
Filter: (
(("references" ? 'project'::text)
AND ((type)::text = 'event1'::text)) OR
(((type)::text = 'event2'::text)
AND ("createdAt" > '2015-11-02 05:00:00+13'::timestamp with time zone)
AND ("createdAt" < '2015-12-04 04:59:59+13'::timestamp with time zone)))
Rows Removed by Filter: 3258680
Planning time: 0.163 ms
Execution time: 714.534 ms
I'm really not that clued up on indexing and query execution plans so if someone could point me in the right direction that'd be great.
As noted by Erwin, it appears as though even if i did have correct indexes, a table scan would still occur as the portion of the table returned from the query is very large. Does this mean that for this set of data this is the fastest query time i can get? Im assuming if i added 60M more unrelated rows without a project reference, it might use an index (if i had the correct indexes), but i dont see how that could speed up the query by adding more data. Maybe im missing something.
(type, created_at, references)
?WHERE (stats."references"::jsonb ? 'project' AND stats."type" = 'event1') OR (stats."type" = 'event2' AND stats."createdAt" > '2015-11-02T00:00:00+08:00' AND stats."createdAt" < '2015-12-03T23:59:59+08:00')
script or what you get with\d stats
in psql. And always your version of Postgres. How many rows with a keyreferences ->> 'project'
and how many distinct values forreferences ->> 'project'