I am running into an issue where a SELECT
query is very slow because it does not use an index when the number of final results is 0 and a LIMIT
clause is specified.
If the number of results is greater than 0 then Postgres uses the index and the result return in ~ 1ms. This seems to always be true as far as I can find.
If the number of results is 0 and no LIMIT
is used, Postgres uses the index and the results return in ~ 1ms
If the number of results is 0 and a LIMIT
is specified Postgres does a sequential scan and the results take ~ 13,000 ms.
Why doesn't PostgreSQL use the index in the last case?
~ 21 million rows total.
~ 3 million rows WHERE related_id=1
~ 3 million rows WHERE related_id=1 AND platform=p1
2 rows WHERE related_id=1 AND platform=p2
0 rows WHERE related_id=1 AND platform=p3
~ 8 million rows WHERE platform=p2
Postgres Version: 9.4.6
Table Schema:
CREATE TYPE platforms AS ENUM ('p1', 'p2', 'p3');
CREATE TABLE mytable (
id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('mytable_sq'::regclass),
related_id integer NOT NULL,
platform platforms NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default'::platforms,
name character varying(200) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT mytable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT mytable_related_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (related_id)
REFERENCES related (id)
CREATE INDEX related_id__platform__index ON mytable (related_id, platform);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX some_other_index ON mytable (related_id, lower(name::text));
Queries and plans:
This query returns 0 rows:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE related_id=1 AND platform='p2'::platforms
Limit (cost=0.00..14.07 rows=20 width=737) (actual time=12863.465..12863.465 rows=0 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on mytable (cost=0.00..1492790.47 rows=2122653 width=737) (actual time=12863.464..12863.464 rows=0 loops=1)
Filter: ((related_id = 1) AND (platform = 'p2'::platforms))
Rows Removed by Filter: 21076656
Planning time: 3.540 ms
Execution time: 12868.190 ms
This query also returns 0 rows:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE related_id=1 AND platform='p2'::platforms;
Bitmap Heap Scan on mytable (cost=60533.63..1295799.94 rows=2122653 width=737) (actual time=0.890..0.890 rows=0 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: ((related_id = 1) AND (platform = 'p2'::platforms))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on related_id__platform__index (cost=0.00..60002.97 rows=2122653 width=0) (actual time=0.888..0.888 rows=0 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((related_id = 1) AND (platform = 'p2'::platforms))
Planning time: 0.827 ms
Execution time: 1.104 ms
This query returns 20 rows (without LIMIT
it would be upwards of 2 million rows):
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE related_id=1 AND platform='p1'::platforms
Limit (cost=0.44..70.95 rows=20 width=737) (actual time=0.759..0.995 rows=20 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using related_id__platform__index on mytable (cost=0.44..1217669.26 rows=345388 width=737) (actual time=0.759..0.993 rows=20 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((related_id = 1) AND (platform = 'p1'::platforms))
Planning time: 5.776 ms
Execution time: 2.476 ms
This query returns 2 rows:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE related_id=1 AND platform='p3'::platforms LIMIT 20;
Limit (cost=0.44..80.37 rows=20 width=737) (actual time=0.014..0.016 rows=2 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using related_id__platform__index on mytable (cost=0.44..99497.62 rows=24894 width=737) (actual time=0.014..0.015 rows=2 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((related_id = 1) AND (platform = 'p3'::platforms))
Planning time: 0.972 ms
Execution time: 0.123 ms