I have column with numeric values that I need to replace into text values.
I used the sql statement:
REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(loanstatus, '1', 'Apple'), '2', 'Banana'), '3', 'Citrus'), '4', 'Deer'), '5', 'Elephant'), '6', 'Fruits'), '7', 'Grey'), '8', 'Hope'), '9', 'Island'), '10', 'June'), '11', 'Kate'), '12', 'Live'), '13', 'Moon')
I've tried using Double Quotations (") in place of Singles ('). I've also tried using String('1') and String("1").
Values 1 to 9 works fine. The problem is if the insert value is "11" then the output is AppleApple If "12" then "AppleBanana" when it should come out as "Kate" for 11 and "Live" for 12.