I have written a PL/pgSQL function in PostgreSQL 9.5. It compiles well but when I call it from pgAdmin3 it gives me an error. It seems like the dynamic query with columns to be replaced with the parameters passed in function is not working.
Below is my function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insertRecordsForNotification(username text, state text, district text, organizationId text, bloodGroup text, status text, approveRejectStatus text, emailSubject text, emailBody text, notificationStatus text) RETURNS boolean AS $$
id int;
r moyadev.user%rowtype;
_where text :=
concat_ws(' AND '
, CASE WHEN state IS NOT NULL THEN 'state = $2' END
, CASE WHEN district IS NOT NULL THEN 'district = $3' END
, CASE WHEN bloodGroup IS NOT NULL THEN 'bloodGroup = $5' END
, CASE WHEN status IS NOT NULL THEN 'status = $6' END
, CASE WHEN approveRejectStatus IS NOT NULL THEN 'approve_reject_status = $7' END);
_sql text := 'INSERT INTO moyadev.notification_email_details (id, youth_enrollment_id, youth_email, email_subject, email_body, status, attempt, sent_date, last_updated_by, last_updated) SELECT uuid_generate_v4(), id, email, $8, $9, $10, null, null,$1, now() FROM moyadev.youth_enrollment';
SELECT * into r FROM moyadev.user u where u.user_key=$1;
if (r.level='DISTRICT') then
_where := _where || ' AND ' || 'district=r.district' || ' AND ' || 'state=r.state' || ' AND ' || 'fk_id=r.fk_id';
elseif (r.level='STATE') then
_where := _where || ' AND ' || 'state=r.state' || ' AND ' || 'fk_id=r.fk_id';
elseif (r.level='NATIONAL') then
_where := _where || ' AND ' || 'fk_id=r.fk_id';
elseif (r.level='UNIT') then
_ where := _where || ' AND ' || 'district=r.district' || ' AND ' || 'state=r.state' || ' AND ' || 'fk_id=r.fk_id';
end if;
IF _where <> '' THEN
_sql := _sql || ' WHERE ' || _where;
EXECUTE format(_sql);
raise notice 'sql: %', _sql;
It compiles well but gives below error when I call it using below command:
select insertRecordsForNotification('[email protected]',null,null,null,null,'ACTIVE','APPROVED','test email','test email','PENDING');
ERROR: there is no parameter $8 SQL state: 42P02 Context: PL/pgSQL function insertrecordsfornotification(text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text) line 39 at EXECUTE
How to use parameter values properly?