I am on SQL Server 2012. I have one table with one full-text index. That index was dropped and recreated around 8am due to a change in the datatype of the indexed column from TEXT to VARCHAR(MAX). These are the relevant entries in the log:
2017-01-06 08:02:52.65 spid25s Informational: Full-text Full population initialized for table or indexed view '[Helpdesk].[dbo].[TicketPosts]' (table or indexed view ID '581577110', database ID '8'). Population sub-tasks: 4.
2017-01-06 10:56:47.98 spid9s Informational: Full-text Full population completed for table or indexed view '[Helpdesk].[dbo].[TicketPosts]' (table or indexed view ID '581577110', database ID '8'). Number of documents processed: 7016145. Number of documents failed: 0. Number of documents that will be retried: 0.
2017-01-06 11:24:42.11 spid20s Informational: Full-text Auto population initialized for table or indexed view '[Helpdesk].[dbo].[TicketPosts]' (table or indexed view ID '581577110', database ID '8'). Population sub-tasks: 1.
2017-01-06 11:24:43.12 spid9s Informational: Full-text Auto population completed for table or indexed view '[Helpdesk].[dbo].[TicketPosts]' (table or indexed view ID '581577110', database ID '8'). Number of documents processed: 0. Number of documents failed: 0. Number of documents that will be retried: 0.
Between 11am and 11:24am, the TableFulltextItemCount OBJECTPROPERTY and the TableFulltextDocsProcessed OBJECTPROPERTY were equal (and were the same as the documents processed shown in the log for the first crawl).
However, during that time the TableFulltextPopulateStatus OBJECTPROPERTY returned 1 (Full Population In Progress), sys.dm_fts_index_population.completion_type_description was 'NONE', and sys.fulltext_indexes.crawl_end_date was null.
Why did the DMVs think that the crawl was still in progress long after the log says it was done and the processed count equals the item count? What was it doing during that time?
No change was made to the data between the first and second crawl, so why did the second crawl occur?